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– Screw adapter for oil filling -VAS 6262- -item A- hand-tight into
opening for inspection plug.
– Hold container with adapter for oil filling -VAS 6262- as high
as possible over gearbox and fill 5.5 litres of gear oil into gear‐
– Start engine and run at idling speed.
– Depress brake pedal and select all gear positions “P, R, N, D,
S” one after the other at idling speed, maintaining each posi‐
tion for at least 3 seconds.
– Shift selector lever into position “P”.
– Check gear oil level and top up as required
After changing gear oil:
– Connect vehicle diagnostic, testing and information system -
VAS 5051B- to vehicle.
– Select Guided Functions for gearbox.
– Perform the “Basic setting” program.
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006