Note 5. Relay Action:
This is smoke generator relay setting. This parameter
determines which steps to turn on smoke generator output. Its configuration range is
from 0 to 63. It is determined by the following formula:
Relay Action = A * 1 + B * 2 + C * 4 + D * 8 + E * 16 + F * 32;
If A = 0, smoke generator output is OFF at Step 1.
If A = 1, smoke generator output is ON at Step 1.
If B = 0, smoke generator output is OFF at Step 2
If B = 1, smoke generator output is ON at Step 2.
If C = 0, smoke generator output is OFF at Step 3.
If C = 1, smoke generator output is ON at Step 3.
If D = 0, smoke generator output is OFF at Step 4.
If D = 1, smoke generator output is ON at Step 4.
If E = 0, smoke generator output is OFF at Step 5.
If E = 1, smoke generator output is ON at Step 5.
If F = 0, smoke generator output is OFF at Step 6.
If F = 1, smoke generator output is ON at Step 6.
To turn on smoke generator output on step 2 and step 3 only, this parameter needs to be
set to 6. (0 * 1 + 1 * 2 + 1 * 4 + 0 * 8 + 0 * 16 + 0 * 32 = 6.)
To turn on smoke generator output on step 1 only, set this parameter to 1.
Note 6. P:
Proportional Constant. The unit is 1 degree. This parameter controls the output
of the controller based on the difference between the measured and set temperature.
Larger the P number means the weaker the action (lower gain). If P = 7, the proportional
band is 7 degree. When the sensor temperature is 7 degrees below the proportional band
(10 degrees below the setting), the controller will have 100% output. When the
temperature is 5 degree below the set point, the output is 71%. When the temperature is
equal to the setting, the controller will have 0% output (assuming integral and derivative
functions are turned off). This constant also affects both integral and derivative action.
Smaller P values will make the both integral and derivative action stronger. Please note
the value of the P is temperature unit sensitive. If you found an optimized P value when
operating the controller in Fahrenheit, to use in Celsius, that optimized P value needs to
be divided by 1.8. This controller will automatically convert the current P value if you
change the temperature display unit.
Note 7. I:
Integral Time. The unit is in seconds. This parameter controls the output of
controller based on the difference between the measured and set temperature integrated
with time. For example, if I = 1000, it means if the temperature difference between the