Instruction manual - GB
Mechanical output regulation – when burning alternative fuel (wood)
The output is regulated by the amount of fuel which is loaded into the boiler (large small
amount = low output) and by the air flap-valve /5/ that is operated by the FR 124 draught regulator /10/.
The draught regulator automatically opens up or shuts the flap-valve (for the primary and secondary
air) according to the pre-set outgoing water temperature (80 - 90 °C). The output (draught) regulator
adjustment should be done carefully because it not only regulates the output; but also protects the boil-
er against overheating. The setting should be in compliance with the enclosed ‚Assembly and Setting
Instructions‘ for the HONEYWELL Braukmann FR 124 type regulator. Right function overheat pro-
tection check by temperature of 90 °C. At this temperature, the air flap-valve must be almost closed. It
is necessary to determine the best setting. The outgoing water temperature should be monitored on the
thermometer situated on the control panel.
- When burning wood extraction fan is use only for ignition and loading wood.
When noraml operation the fan is switch off. This we can reach that we set regulation ther-
mostat on temeperatre 50 °C (40 - 60 °C). Boiler works in temperature mode 80 - 90 °C so
it auhomaticly switch off after burning up.
Draught regulator - HONEYWELL Braukmann FR124 – Assembly instructions
Disassemble the lever /1/ and coupler /2/ and screw the regulator
into the boiler.
Heat the boiler to approx. 80 °C. Set the setting handle to the tem-
perature read on the boiler thermometer. Tension the air flap valve
chain in a way that provides the required boiler output; the gap at
the air (control) flap valve may range between 3 - 50 mm. In cases
where there are insufficient general draught conditions, slightly
increase the flap-valve gap.
Draught regulator functional check
Set the setting handle to the required temperature of water exiting
the boiler (80 - 90 °C). When the water temperature reaches its
maximum of 95 °C, the air flap valve must be fully closed (only
providing the setscrew gap). It is always necessary to fine-tune the
specified operating temperature (80 - 90 °C) utilising the mixing
valves behind the boiler either manually or by electronic regula-
tion with electric actuator.
30. Fuel refill when burning alternative fuel (wood)
First shut the air flap-valve operated by the Honeywell draught regulator. Set the thermostat on the
boiler D20P, D30P, D40P, D50P to the possition MAX to start up the ventilator. Slightly open the door,
wait for about 5 seconds and then add fuel. In order to prevent excessive smoke formation, load new
batch of fuel only after the previous fuel has combusted to at least one fourth of the loading volume.
Then put everything into the original state.