1. The door handles are located within the accessory manual box. Remove
them from the packaging and note the end with the knob on it. The door
knob will be located to the top after final installation.
2. Remove the doorknob and one of the vinyl washers, but leave the plastic
tube and the other vinyl washer.
Sometimes when removing the doorknob the threaded stud will come out.
If this happens, remove the stud from the doorknob and thread it back into the
door handle at least two or three turns or until it bottoms out.
3. Insert the door handle with the threaded stud into the top hole on the glass
door with the plastic tube in the hole and the vinyl washer between the glass
and the door handle.
4. Install the remaining vinyl washer onto the stud and then install the doorknob.
Located within the packaging for the door handles you will find:
a. 2 Vinyl washer
b. 2 Screws
c. 2 Hard plastic washers
d. 2 Decorative covers
5. Insert one of the screws through one of the hard plastic washers and then
install the screw with the plastic washer into the door handle with one of the
vinyl washers in between the hard plastic washer and the glass door.
6. After the door handle is secure, install the decorative cover over the screw
and hard plastic washer.
7. Repeat this procedure for the other door handle.
Step 10 Install the door handles