Ascotel® IntelliGate® 2025/2045/2065 as of I7.9
Operation and Maintenance
– I7.
– 1
IP terminal: SW upadating
The software update of an Aastra 5360ip/
5370ip/5380ip has now been successfully
completed after unsuccessful attempt(s).
User number, terminal ID, date,
IP terminal: SW updating
The software update of an Aastra 5360ip/
5370ip/5380ip has failed for the stated rea-
User number, terminal ID, rea-
son, date, time
LCR on alternative network
Automatic switch from primary network pro-
vider to secondary network provider using
LCR function
Provider ID, date, time
Licence for IP system terminal
now available
A sufficient number of licences is now availa-
ble again for Aastra 5360ip/5370ip/5380ip.
Date, time
Licences for offline opera-
tions expired
The maximum duration of two hours for the
temporary licence activation has expired.
Date, time
Limits reached for busy lamp
A busy lamp field on an SIP/Aastra SIP termi-
nal could not be configured because the sys-
tem limit for the platform has been reached.
Terminal ID, key number, date,
Local network supply error
on the radio unit
Local power supply of a SB-4+ / SB-8 / SB-
8ANT radio unit failed or unavailable
Card number, port number,
date, time
Mains voltage failures
Event message once mains power is restored
• Mains power has failed more frequently
than entered in the trigger table
Date, time
With 3-digit error ID Hardware or software
error during self-test (for more details see
With 5-digit error ID: General error during
operation. The error ID can help Support to
pinpoint the possible cause of the error.
Error ID, date, time
Memory usage below the
critical range
The free storage space available in the file sys-
tem has once again increased above 3 Mbytes
File type ID, Usage, Date, Time
Memory usage over the criti-
cal range
The free storage space available in the file sys-
tem has dropped below 3 Mbytes
File type ID, Usage, Date, Time
Monitor Event
Monitor Event
Monitor Type, Date, Time
No DECT-DSP channels avail-
DECT channels on DSP-0x overloaded
Date, time
No DTMF receiver (GSM)
A permanent DTMF receiver (for executing
suffix dialling procedures) could not be
assigned to an integrated GSM terminal with
enhanced functionality.
BCS Ref., date, time
No response from network
No answer to call setup on T / T2 interface
Port number of the exchange
line circuit, date, time
Connection lost
A node is not connected to the Master for a
certain amount of time (configurable).
Node number, date, time
Connection re-established
A node is reconnected with the Master for a
certain amount of time (configurable) after an
Node number, date, time
Event/ error message
Trigger condition