Ascotel® IntelliGate® 2025/2045/2065 as of I7.9
Operation and Maintenance
– I7.
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identical to the version in the system software, the PBX will initiate an AIR down-
load. The software is loaded from the PBX onto the handsets via radio and stored in
the Flash memory.
To be able to run an AIR download, you need to ensure that the handset contains a
functional software.
The handset remains fully functional while an AIR download is in progress. The new
loaded software is activated only once the download has been successfully com-
pleted. A reset is carried out on the handset.
Software update of the Aastra 600d series via FTP
The software for the Aastra 610d, Aastra 620d and Aastra 630d handsets is updated
via radio (AIR download). The update can be enabled or disabled individually for
each handset using the menu
Download server
on the handsets. If the
handset is logged on to several systems, this menu defines which system the soft-
ware update is relevant to.
There is only one software for the handsets of the Aastra 600d series. It is included
in the PBX software package and stored on the PBX file system. If the handset soft-
ware is to be updated independently of the PBX software, it can be updated using
FTP (File Transfer Protocol). The PBX’s file system can be accessed with an FTP Client
(e. g. Filezilla) or with the Windows Explorer. The section below describes access
with the Windows Explorer:
Start the Windows Explorer.
In the address bar enter the PBX’s IP address (ftp ://<IP address>).
Note: If the address bar is not visible, it can be unhidden under "
Icon bars
Address bar
In the login window enter the PBX’s user name and password.
You are now in the PBX’s file system.
Switch the "sw\handset" subdirectory and replace the "mddf.ini" file.
Switch the "sw\handset\aastra600d" subdirectory and replace the files "pp.hdf"
and "firmware.cnt".
All the handsets that selected this system for the download and have not disa-
bled the download will now automatically start the software update.