Arrow Central Venous Catheter Manual Download Page 1


Central Venous Catheter (CVC) Product

Rx only.


The Arrow CVC is intended to provide short-term (< 30 days) central venous access for treatment of 
diseases or conditions requiring central venous access, including, but not limited to the following:


Lack of usable peripheral IV sites


Central venous pressure monitoring


Total parenteral nutrition (TPN)


Infusions of fl uids, medications, or chemotherapy


Frequent blood sampling or receiving blood transfusions/blood products

See additional labeling for product specifi c indications.


None known. See additional labeling for product specifi c contraindications.

 General Warnings and Cautions



Sterile, Single use: Do not reuse, reprocess or resterilize. Reuse of device creates a potential 
risk of serious injury and/or infection which may lead to death.


Read all package insert warnings, precautions and instructions prior to use. Failure to do so 
may result in severe patient injury or death.


Do not place catheter into or allow it to remain in the right atrium or right ventricle. X-ray 
exam or other method in compliance with institutional policies and procedures must 
show catheter tip located in lower 1/3 of the Superior Vena Cava (SVC), in accordance with 
institutional guidelines.


Clinicians must be aware of potential entrapment of the guidewire by any implanted device 
in circulatory system. It is recommended that if patient has a circulatory system implant, 
catheter procedure be done under direct visualization to reduce risk of guidewire entrapment.


Do not use excessive force when introducing guidewire or tissue dilator as this can lead to 
vessel perforation, bleeding, or component damage.


Passage of guidewire into the right heart can cause dysrhythmias, right bundle branch 
block, and a perforation of vessel, atrial or ventricular wall. 


Do not apply excessive force in placing or removing catheter or guidewire. Excessive 
force can cause component damage or breakage. If damage is suspected or withdrawal 
cannot be easily accomplished, radiographic visualization should be obtained and further 
consultation requested. 


Using catheters not indicated for high pressure injection for such applications can result in 
inter-lumen crossover or rupture with potential for injury.


Do not secure, staple and/or suture directly to outside diameter of catheter body or 
extension lines to reduce risk of cutting or damaging the catheter or impeding catheter 
fl ow. Secure only at indicated stabilization locations.


Air embolism can occur if air is allowed to enter a central venous access device or vein.  Do 
not leave open needles or uncapped, unclamped catheters in central venous puncture site.  
Use only securely tightened Luer-Lock connections with any central venous access device to 
guard against inadvertent disconnection.


Clinicians should be aware that slide clamps may be inadvertently removed.


Clinicians must be aware of complications associated with central venous catheters 
including, but not limited to: 


cardiac tamponade 
secondary to vessel, 
atrial, or ventricular 


pleural (i.e., 
and mediastinal 


air embolism


catheter embolism


catheter occlusion


thoracic duct 








inadvertent arterial 


nerve injury






fi brin sheath formation


exit site infection


vessel erosion


catheter tip malposition





Do not alter the catheter, guidewire or any other kit/set component during insertion, use or 


Procedure must be performed by trained personnel well versed in anatomical landmarks, safe 
technique and potential complications. 


Use standard precautions and follow established institutional policies and procedures.


Some disinfectants used at catheter insertion site contain solvents which can weaken the 
catheter material. Alcohol, acetone, and polyethylene glycol can weaken the structure of 
polyurethane materials. These agents may also weaken the adhesive bond between catheter 
stabilization device and skin. 


Do not use acetone on catheter surface.


Do not use alcohol to soak catheter surface or allow alcohol to dwell in a catheter lumen to 
restore catheter patency or as an infection prevention measure.


Do not use polyethylene glycol containing ointments at insertion site.


Take care when infusing drugs with a high concentration of alcohol.


Allow insertion site to dry completely prior to applying dressing.


Ensure catheter patency prior to use. Do not use syringes smaller than 10 mL (a fl uid fi lled 
1 mL syringe can exceed 300 psi) to reduce risk of intraluminal leakage or catheter rupture.


Minimize catheter manipulation throughout procedure to maintain proper catheter tip position.

Kits/Sets may not contain all accessory components detailed in these 
instructions for use. Become familiar with instructions for individual 
component(s) before beginning the procedure.

A Suggested Procedure: Use sterile technique.

Prep Puncture Site:

1.  Position patient as appropriate for insertion site.


Subclavian or Jugular approach: Place patient in slight Trendelenburg position as tolerated to 
reduce risk of air embolism and enhance venous fi lling.


Femoral approach: Place patient in supine position.

2.  Prepare clean skin with an appropriate antiseptic agent.
3.  Drape puncture site.
4.  Administer local anesthetic per institutional policies and procedures. 
5.  Dispose of needle.

SharpsAway II™ Locking Disposal Cup (where provided):

The SharpsAway II Locking Disposal Cup is used for disposal of needles (15 Ga. - 30 Ga.).


Using one-handed technique, fi rmly push needles into disposal cup holes (refer to Figure 1).


Figure 1


Once placed into disposal cup, needles will be automatically secured in place so that they cannot be reused.

 Caution: Do not attempt to remove needles that have been placed into SharpsAway II 

Locking Disposal Cup. These needles are secured in place. Damage may occur to needles if 
they are forced out of disposal cup.


Where provided, a foam SharpsAway® system may be utilized by pushing needles into foam after use.

 Caution: Do not re-use needles after they have been placed into the foam SharpsAway 

system. Particulate matter may adhere to needle tip.

Prepare Catheter:

6.  Flush each lumen with sterile normal saline for injection to establish patency and prime lumen(s).
7.  Clamp or attach Luer-Lock connector(s) to extension line(s) to contain saline within lumen(s).
8.  Leave distal extension line uncapped for guidewire passage.

 Warning: Do not cut catheter to alter length.

Gain Initial Venous Access:

Echogenic Needle (where provided):

An echogenic needle is used to allow access to the vascular system for the introduction of a guidewire to 
facilitate catheter placement. The needle tip is enhanced for approximately 1 cm for clinician to identify 
exact needle tip location when puncturing the vessel under ultrasound.

Protected Needle/Safety Needle (where provided):

A protected needle/safety needle should be used in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions for use.

Arrow® Raulerson Syringe (where provided):

Arrow Raulerson Syringe is used in conjunction with Arrow Advancer for guidewire insertion.
9.  Insert introducer needle or catheter/needle with attached syringe or Arrow Raulerson Syringe 

(where provided) into vein and aspirate.

 Warning: Do not leave open needles or uncapped, unclamped catheters in central venous 

puncture site. Air embolus can occur with these practices.

 Caution: Do not reinsert needle into introducer catheter (where provided) to reduce risk of 

catheter embolus.

Verify Venous Access:

Utilize one of the following techniques to verify venous access because of the potential for inadvertent 
arterial placement:


Central Venous Waveform:


Insert fl uid primed blunt tip pressure transduction probe into rear of plunger and through 
valves of Arrow Raulerson Syringe and observe for central venous pressure waveform.
◊  Remove transduction probe if using Arrow Raulerson Syringe.


Pulsatile Flow (if hemodynamic monitoring equipment is not available):


Use transduction probe to open syringe valving system of Arrow Raulerson Syringe and observe 
for pulsatile fl ow.


Disconnect syringe from needle and observe for pulsatile fl ow.

 Warning: Pulsatile fl ow is usually an indicator of inadvertent arterial puncture.

 Caution: Do not rely on blood aspirate color to indicate venous access.

Summary of Contents for Central Venous Catheter

Page 1: ...ter stabilizationdeviceandskin Donotuseacetoneoncathetersurface Do not use alcohol to soak catheter surface or allow alcohol to dwell in a catheter lumen to restorecatheterpatencyorasaninfectionpreventionmeasure Donotusepolyethyleneglycolcontainingointmentsatinsertionsite Takecarewheninfusingdrugswithahighconcentrationofalcohol Allowinsertionsitetodrycompletelypriortoapplyingdressing 5 Ensure cath...

Page 2: ...ered withdraw catheter relative to guidewire about 2 3 cm and attempt to remove guidewire If resistance is again encountered remove guidewire and catheter simultaneously Warning Do not apply undue force on guidewire to reduce risk of possible breakage 21 Always verify entire guidewire is intact upon removal Complete Catheter Insertion 22 Check lumen patency by attaching a syringe to each extension...

Page 3: ...cautions lors de la perfusion de médicaments contenant des concentrations élevées d alcool Laisser complètement sécher le site d insertion avant d appliquer le pansement 5 Vérifier la perméabilité du cathéter avant l utilisation Pour réduire le risque d une fuite intraluminaleoud uneruptureducathéter nepasutiliserdesseringuesdemoinsde10ml une seringue de 1 ml remplie de liquide peut dépasser 2 068...

Page 4: ...e sur le guide risque d exercer trop de force sur le guide et de le rompre En cas de résistance reculer le cathéter d environ 2 à 3 cm par rapport au guide et tenter de retirer le guide Si la résistance persiste retirer le guide et le cathéter d un seul tenant Avertissement Pour réduire le risque d une rupture potentielle ne pas exercer une force excessive sur le guide 21 Toujours vérifier que l i...

Page 5: ...ophylaxe in einem Katheterlumen verweilen Keine Salben mit Polyethylenglycol an der Einführungsstelle verwenden Bei der Infusion von Medikamenten mit hohem Alkoholgehalt istVorsicht geboten Die Einführungsstelle vor dem Anlegen desVerbands vollständig trocknen lassen 5 Vor dem Gebrauch sicherstellen dass der Katheter durchgängig ist Keine Spritzen unter 10 ml verwenden um das Risiko eines intralum...

Page 6: ...t Tritt bei dem Versuch den Führungsdraht nach der Platzierung des Katheters zu entfernen Widerstand auf kann der Führungsdraht um die Spitze des Katheters im Gefäß geknickt werden siehe Abbildung 4 Unter diesen Umständen kann das Zurückziehen des Führungsdrahts zu unangemessen aufgewendeter Kraft führen die ein Brechen des Führungsdrahts zur Folge hat TrittWiderstandauf denKatheterimVerhältniszum...

Page 7: ...a da catetere occlusione del catetere lacerazione del dotto toracico batteriemia setticemia trombosi puntura arteriosa accidentale lesioni nervose ematoma emorragia formazione di una guaina di fibrina infezione del sito di uscita erosione vascolare posizionamento non corretto della punta del cateterea disritmie Non usare acetone sulla superficie del catetere Non usare alcool per bagnare la superfi...

Page 8: ... catetere alla profondità desiderata e rimuovere il filo guida Attenzione Sesiavverteresistenzaduranteiltentativodirimozionedelfiloguidadopoil posizionamentodelcatetere èpossibilecheilfiloguidasiaripiegatoattornoallapuntadel catetere all interno del vaso vedere la Figura 4 In questo caso il ritiro del filo guida può comportare l applicazione di una forza eccessiva e la conseguente rottura del filo...

Page 9: ...dzenie przewodu piersiowego bakteriemia posocznica zakrzepica nieumyślne nakłucie tętnicy uraz nerwów krwiak krwotok tworzenie powłoki fibrynowej zakażenie w miejscu wyjścia nadżerka naczynia nieprawidłowe położenie końcówki cewnika zaburzenia rytmu serca Nie wolno stosować acetonu na powierzchni cewnika Nie używać alkoholu do namaczania powierzchni cewnika ani zezwalać na pozostawanie alkoholuwka...

Page 10: ...ny zapętleniem się prowadnika wokół końcówki cewnika w naczyniu patrz rysunek 4 W takim przypadku pociąganie wstecz za prowadnik może spowodować wywarcie nadmiernej siły powodując złamanie prowadnika W razie napotkania oporu należy cofnąć cewnik o 2 3 cm w stosunku do prowadnika i spróbować wyjąć prowadnik W przypadku napotkania ponownego oporu należy wyjąć równocześnie prowadnik i cewnik Ostrzeże...

Page 11: ...o de álcool Produto Cateter Venoso Central CVC tamponamento cardíaco secundário a perfuração da parede vascular auricular ou ventricular lesões da pleura ou seja pneumotórax e do mediastino embolia gasosa embolia do cateter oclusão do cateter laceração do canal torácico bacteriemia septicemia trombose punção arterial acidental lesão nervosa hematoma hemorragia formação de bainha de fibrina infecçã...

Page 12: ... trás pode exercer uma força indevida o que pode provocar a quebra do fio guia Se sentir resistência retire o cateter relativamente ao fio guia cerca de 2 3 cm e tente retirar o fio guia Se continuar a sentir resistência retire o fio guia e o cateter em simultâneo Advertência Não aplique força indevida no fio guia para reduzir o risco de quebra 21 Quando retirar verifique se todo o fio guia está i...

Page 13: ...токоламипроцедурам 4 Некоторыесредствадезинфекции используемыевместевведениякатетера содержат растворители способные снизить прочность материала катетера Спирт ацетон и полиэтиленгликоль могут ослабить структуру полиуретановых материалов Эти вещества могут также ослабить клеевое соединение между фиксатором катетера и кожей Недопускайтепопаданияацетонанаповерхностькатетера Не используйте спирт для ...

Page 14: ...етера ощущается сопротивление то возможной причиной этого является закручивание проводникавокругкончикакатетеравпросветесосуда см рисунок4 Вытягивание проводника в такой ситуации может привести к приложению чрезмерной силы и какследствие кразрывупроводника При возникновении сопротивления оттяните катетер на 2 3 см относительно проводника ипопытайтесьудалитьпроводник Еслисопротивлениесохранится уда...

Page 15: ...tra ne uporabljajte acetona Neprepojitepovršinekatetrazalkoholominnedovolite dabisealkoholzadrževalvsvetlini katetra da bi se obnovila prehodnost katetra oziroma kot ukrep za preprečevanje okužbe Na mestu vstavitve ne uporabljajte mazil ki vsebujejo polietilen glikol Pri infundiranju zdravil z visoko koncentracijo alkohola bodite previdni Pred namestitvijo obveze vedno počakajte da se mesto vstavi...

Page 16: ...čnatimi vodili Žičnata vodila so dobavljena z različnimi premeri dolžinami in konfiguracijami konic za specifične tehnike vstavljanja Seznanite se z žičnatim i vodilom i ki se uporablja jo s specifično tehniko preden začnete konkretni postopek vstavljanja Potiskalo Arrow Advancer če je priloženo Potiskalo Arrow Advancer se uporablja za izravnavo konice J žičnatega vodila za uvajanje žičnatega vodi...

Page 17: ...n el lugar de introducción del catéter contienen disolventes que pueden debilitar el material del catéter El alcohol la acetona y el polietilenglicol pueden debilitar la estructura de los materiales de poliuretano Estos agentes también pueden debilitar la unión adhesiva entre el dispositivo de estabilización del catéter y la piel No utilice acetona sobre la superficie del catéter No utilice alcoho...

Page 18: ... extraiga la guía Aviso Si se encuentra resistencia al intentar extraer la guía después de colocar el catéter puede que la guía se haya retorcido alrededor de la punta del catéter dentro del vaso consulte la figura 4 En esta circunstancia tirar hacia atrás de la guía puede provocar la aplicación de una fuerza indebida que dé lugar a la ruptura de la guía Siseencuentraresistencia retireelcatéterenr...

Page 19: ...ikationsrisker 3 Använd försiktighetsåtgärder av standardtyp och följ institutionens vedertagna policy och förfaranden 4 Vissa desinfektionsmedel som används vid kateterns införingsställe innehåller lösningsmedel som kan försvaga katetermaterialet Alkohol aceton och polyetylenglykol kan försvaga strukturen hos polyuretanmaterial Dessa medel kan även försvaga vidhäftningen mellan kateterstabiliseri...

Page 20: ...nktbetecknarett1cm intervall 20 Håll katetern vid önskat djup och avlägsna ledaren Var försiktig Om motstånd uppstår i samband med att du försöker avlägsna ledaren efter placering av katetern är det möjligt att ledaren har vikts runt kateterns spets i kärlet se figur 4 Under dessa omständigheter kan en alltför stor kraft anbringas om ledaren dras bakåt vilket kan göra att ledaren går av Om motstån...

Page 21: ... solventler içerir Alkol aseton ve polietilen glikol poliüretan materyallerin yapısını zayıflatabilir Bu ajanlar ayrıca kateter stabilizasyon cihazı ile cilt arasındaki yapışkan bondu zayıflatabilir Kateter yüzeyinde aseton kullanmayın Kateter yüzeyini batırmak için alkol kullanmayın veya kateter açıklığını tekrar oluşturmak veya bir enfeksiyonu önleme yolu olarak kateter lümeninde alkol kalmasına...

Page 22: damar içinde kateter ucu etrafında bükülmüş olabilir bakınız Şekil 4 Bu durumda kılavuz telin geri çekilmesi kılavuz tel kırılmasıyla sonuçlanabilen gereksiz güç uygulanmasına yol açabilir Dirençle karşılaşılırsa kateteri kılavuz tele göre yaklaşık 2 3 cm geri çekin ve kılavuz teli çıkarmaya çalışın Yine dirençle karşılaşılırsa kılavuz tel ve kateteri birlikte çıkarın Uyarı Olası kırılma riski...

Page 23: ...23 ...

Page 24: ... solar Manter seco Não utilizar se a embalagem esti ver danificada Não fabricado em látex de borracha natural Número de catálogo Número de lote Prazo de validade Fabricante Предостере жение Смотрите инструкцию по применению Повторно не использовать Повторно не стерилизовать Стерилизовано этиленоксидом Предохранять от солнечного света Хранить в сухом месте Не использовать если упаковка повреждена И...
