7.
Under
no
circumstances
may
a
pilot
or
other
person
touch
a
model
aircraft
in
flight
while
it
is
still
under
power,
except
to
divert
it
from
striking
an
individual.
This
does
not
apply
to
model
aircraft
flown
indoors.
8.
night
flying
requires
a
lighting
system
providing
the
pilot
with
a
clear
view
of
the
model’s
attitude
and
orientation
at
all
times.
9.
The
pilot
of
a
model
aircraft
shall:
(a)
Maintain
control
during
the
entire
flight,
maintaining
visual
contact
without
enhancement
other
than
by
corrective
lenses
prescribed
for
the
pilot.
(b)
Fly
using
the
assistance
of
a
camera
or
First
‐
Person
View
only
in
accordance
with
the
procedures
outlined
in
Document
#550.