After
conn
directly
ab
‘centered’
length/po
rudder
ch
If
the
rud
and
screw
outermos
to
the
righ
(counter
‐
c
or
second
directly
ab
until
the
r
You
horn
to
en
hole
and
d
surface
m
necting
the
bove.
The
r
’.
However
osition
of
th
annel
trim
der
is
angl
w
it
‘in’
(cloc
t
or
second
ht
carefully
clockwise)
outermos
bove
again
rudder
is
ce
u
should
al
nsure
the
p
during
ope
echanically
e
clevises
to
rudder
sho
r,
if
the
rud
he
pushrod
is
centere
ed
off
to
th
ckwise)
on
d
outermos
y
remove
th
one
half
to
t
hole
in
th
and
contin
entered
ap
ways
rotat
pin
is
not
u
ration.
In
s
y
while
pro
o
the
contr
uld
be
‘in
l
dder
is
angl
d/clevis
so
t
d.
he
left
care
e
half
to
o
st
hole
in
t
he
clevis
fr
o
one
full
tu
he
control
h
nue
adjusti
propriately
te
the
clevi
nder
any
e
some
cases
operly
align
rol
horns
v
ine’
with
t
led
off
to
t
the
surface
efully
remo
ne
full
turn
he
control
om
the
con
urn
then
in
horn.
View
ing
the
leng
y.
is
until
the
excessive
lo
s
it
may
not
ning
the
pin
iew
the
ve
he
vertical
he
right
or
e
is
centere
ove
the
clev
n
then
inse
horn.
Or,
i
ntrol
horn
nsert
the
pi
w
the
vertic
gth/positio
pin
is
perp
oad/pressu
t
be
possib
n.
In
these
rtical
tail
a
tail
when
left
you
ca
ed
‘mechan
vis
from
th
rt
the
pin
b
if
the
rudde
and
screw
in
back
into
al
tail
and
on
of
the
p
pendicular
re
when
in
ble
to
‘exac
cases
be
su
nd
rudder
it’s
proper
an
adjust
th
nically’
whi
e
control
h
back
into
th
er
is
angled
it
‘out’
o
the
outer
rudder
fro
ushrod/cle
with
the
co
nserted
in
t
ctly’
center
ure
the
pin
from
ly
he
ile
the
horn
he
d
off
rmost
m
evis
ontrol
the
the
n
is