Part of the run method that specifies the temperature, time, ramp, and data collection
points for all steps and stages of the instrument run.
experiment document file (.eds)
The Thermo Fisher Scientific name for the electronic records that comprise all
information about a particular plate or array card, including metadata (name,
barcode, comments), plate setup (well contents, assay definitions), run method
(thermal cycling protocol), run results, analysis protocol, analysis results, audit
records, and other consumable-specific data. Experiment document files have the .eds
In Amplification Plots, the level of fluorescence above the baseline and within the
exponential growth region.
The PCR cycle number at which the fluorescence meets the threshold in the
Amplification Plot. See also “threshold“ on page 193 and “Amplification Plot“ on
See “melting temperature (Tm)“ on page 187.
Instrument display that you touch to control the instrument.
Type of calibration in which the software measures sample block uniformity. The
calibration generates data that compensate for the physical effects of the
6 and 7 Flex Systems filters on data collected during a experiment.
From the software, the task for the target in wells that contain the sample being tested.
In quantification experiments, the task for the target in wells that contain a sample
with unknown target quantities. In genotyping experiments, the task for the SNP
assay in wells that contain a sample with an unknown genotype. In presence/absence
experiments, the task for the target in wells that contain a sample in which the
presence of the target is not known.In melt curve experiments, the task for the target
in wells that contain a sample with an unknown melt curve profile.
A sample (or group of samples) with a unique melt curve (that is, the melt curve is
different from the melt curves of other samples or controls used in the experiment).
The software determines melt curve differences by the melting temperature (T
) and
the shape of the melt curve.
From the standard curve, the value of y where the regression line crosses the y-axis.
The y-intercept indicates the expected threshold cycle (C
) for a sample with quantity
equal to 1.
thermal profile
threshold cycle
Limited product warranty
6 and 7 Flex Real-Time PCR Systems v1.6 Maintenance and Administration Guide