[Setup] Key
placed in the corresponding field.
[FUNC] - Select to set the primary and secondary parameters
[COMP] - Comparator ON/OFF
[NOM] - The nominal value
[BEEP] - Beep feature
[MODE] - Absolute value comparison, percentage comparison or direct reading
[AUX] - Auxiliary bin (2
parameter) ON/OFF
[#-BINS] – Select the total bins
Figure 5-5
<BIN TABLE> page
Measurement Function [FUNC]
The instrument can be independently set up for all test functions and stored in internal
memory space.
Before setting the comparator parameters, select the consistent test [FUNC] according to the
parameters set in the <MEAS DISPLAY> page.
Comparator Function ON/OFF [COMP]
AT381x's built-in comparator can sort devices into a maximum of 10 bins (BIN1 to BIN9 and
OUT OF BIN) using a maximum of nine pairs of primary parameter limits and one pair of
secondary parameter limits. In addition, a device which primary parameter is within limits, but
secondary parameter is not, can be sorted into an auxiliary bin (AUX).
The comparator is allowed to be turned off.
Procedure for turning on/off the comparator function [COMP]:
Step 1.
Press the [Setup] key
Step 2.
Press the [BIN TABLE] soft key and then enter <BIN TALBE> Page.
Step 3.
Use the cursor key to select [COMP] field
Step 4.
Use the soft keys to turn on/off the comparator.
Soft key
The comparator is turned off and the measurement bar is displayed OFF
The comparator is turned on and the measurement bar shows the sorting
result of the current measurement.
The comparator is turned off and the bin count is stopped, regardless of whether the bin count
is on or off.