FBL2360 Brushless DC Motor Controller Datasheet
Single Channel Wiring
Precautions and Optional Connections
Note 1: Backup battery to ensure motor operation with weak or discharged batteries,
connect a second battery to the Power Control wire/terminal via the SW1 switch.
Note 2: Use precharge 1K, 0.5W Resistor to prevent switch arcing.
Note 3: Insert a high-current diode to ensure a return path to the battery during
regeneration in case the fuse is blown.
Note 4: Optionally ground the Vmot tabs when the controller is Off if there is any concern
that the motors could be made to spin and generate voltage in excess of 60V.
Note 5: Connect the controller’s bottom plate to a wire connected to the Earth while the
charger is plugged in the AC main, or if the controller is powered by an AC power supply.
Note 6: Beware not to create a path from the ground pins on the I/O connector and the
battery minus terminal.
Single Channel Wiring
On the Single Channel FBL2360S, the each of the motor wire must be connected to both
output tabs of the same letter as shown in the figure below. Use the Encoders and/or Hall
sensors of Channel 1 for operation.
FIGURE 4. Single Channel wiring diagram
Important Warning
This wiring must be done only on the single channel version of the controller.
Paralleling the wires on a dual channel product will cause permanent damage. Verify
that your controller is an FBL2360S before you wire in this manner.