Version N° 3
1 - teChniCAL ChArACteriStiCS
Page 33
1.1 - technical characteristics
1.2 - Machine room intercom and firefighter until functionnality
1.3 - Factory settings
1.4 - Connecting AneP S-BoX modules
2 - Recommendations
Page 35
2.1 - Powering up
2.2 - travelling cable
3 - ALArM FiLtering
Page 36
3.1 - Full alarm filtering
3.2 - simple filtering
3.3 - Forced emergency elevator telephone call
4 - addRessinG
Page 37
5 - ProgrAMMing MoDe
page 38
5.1 - enter programming mode
5.1.1 - exit programming mode
5.1.2 - Simplified programming
5.2 - gSM mode
5.2.1 - Managing battery default on gSM Pg1 gateway
5.3 - Programming numbers
5.3.1 - Programming memories 101/102/103
5.3.2 - Programming a pause
5.3.3 - erasing numbers
5.4 - Memory attributions
5.4.1 - transfer method
5.4.2 - table of programming possibilities for a single call
5.5 - enabling and changing of parameters
5.5.1 - emergency elevator telephone button validation time
5.5.2 - Acknowledgement of a trapped passenger (en 81.28)
5.5.3 - Conversation timeout
5.5.4 - Adjusting speaker volume in car
5.5.5 - enable periodic call
5.5.6 - test call period
5.5.7 - Listen to call identification code during transmission
5.5.8 - Modify of access code
5.5.9 - Configure of the dual call mode
5.6 - Selection of communication protocol
5.6.1 - AneP Protocol
5.6.2 - P100 Protocol
5.7 - Adjusting the level of emissions of DtMF codes