Chapter 6.2: Advanced Voice over DSL Configuration
Password Authentication Protocol. The server sends
an authentication request to the remote user that is
dialling in. PAP passes the unencrypted username and
password and identifies the remote end.
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol The
server sends an authentication request to the remote
user that is dialling in. CHAP passes the encrypted
username and password and identifies the remote
Fill in the username provided by your service
Fill in the password provided by your service
Password (confirm):
Fill in the password provided by your service
Keep alive:
On by default.
Connect on demand:
Off by default. When enabled, the PPP link will be
established when traffic is sent to the Service
Provider and disconnected when traffic has stopped
for a certain amount of time. See also the Maximum
Idle Time.
Maximum idle time:
0 by default. When Connect On demand is enabled,
this time represents the idle time when the PPP link
will be disconnected.
Requested WAN IP address: Fill in when you get an IP address after
authentication, or fill in a fixed IP address provided
by your service provider.
Unnumbered: By
Autoconfigure DHCP server: By default Disabled. When enabled, your Service
Provider is able to provide the DHCP Server IP range
dynamically based on the subnetmask. This
functionality is also known as learning DHCP Server.
Default DHCP server range size:
Number of IP addresses that are used for the
DHCP server. Default is 4.
Enable NAT:
Nat is by default enabled.
When you are finished with configuring the WAN connection, click on Ok. Go to
the Configuration menu and click on Save config to save the new settings into the