This manual by ALLIED DATA TECHNOLOGIES B.V. (hereafter referred to as
ALLIED DATA TECHNOLOGIES) is a reflection of the current state of the products
described in it.
It has been our goal to provide a manual that is complete and clear to ensure
that our products are as easy to use. However, this manual may contain technical
inaccuracies and typing errors. As a result of rapid developments, we are also
obliged to reserve the right to implement technical modifications and
developments without prior notice. For this reason, ALLIED DATA TECHNOLOGIES
does not guarantee the contents of the manual and its permanent applicability.
Neither is ALLIED DATA TECHNOLOGIES liable for possible loss of information or
any improper use of information resulting from the consultation of this manual. In
particular, ALLIED DATA TECHNOLOGIES is not liable for any direct or indirect
damage (including loss of profits and comparable losses) resulting from the use
or improper use of this manual, even if ALLIED DATA TECHNOLOGIES or a
representative of ALLIED DATA TECHNOLOGIES has been informed that such
damage could arise. Of course, this does not detract us from our legal liability for
intentionally inflicted damage or damage on the basis of gross negligence.
In relation to the information mentioned in this manual, ALLIED DATA
TECHNOLOGIES does not guarantee that there are no industrial rights of
ownership (trademarks, patents, etc.). This also applies to commonly used brand
names, company names and product names, but these are subject to the relevant
trademark, patent and registered design laws.
The information is not to be copied, translated, reproduced or transferred or
stored on any electronic medium or other machine, neither wholly nor partly,
without prior permission in writing from ALLIED DATA TECHNOLOGIES.
The sale and use of software is subject to the ALLIED DATA TECHNOLOGIES
General Terms of Delivery and Payment as well as its License Terms.
Should any term regarding the disclaimer be or become void for legal reasons,
this will not affect the other terms.