Managing System Files
Loading Software onto the Switch
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Switch Management Guide
April 2006
page 2-19
Loading Software onto the Switch
There are three common methods for loading software to and from your switch. The method you use
depends on your workstation software, your hardware configuration, and the location and condition of
your switch. These methods are discussed here.
FTP Server
—You can use the switch as an FTP server. If you have an FTP client software on your
workstation, you can transfer a file to the switch via FTP. This is normally done to load or upgrade the
switch’s software or configurations. For details see
“Using the Switch as an FTP Server” on page 2-19
FTP Client
—You can use the switch as an FTP client by connecting a terminal to the switch’s console
port and using standard FTP commands. This feature is useful in cases where you do not have access to
a workstation with an FTP client. For details see
“Using the Switch as an FTP Client” on page 2-21
—You can load software directly through the serial port with any terminal emulator that
supports the Zmodem protocol. Note that a Zmodem transfer of large files may take several minutes to
complete. For details see
Using the Switch as an FTP Server
The switch can act as an FTP server for receiving files transferred from your workstation. You can trans-
fer software files to the switch using standard FTP client software located on a host workstation. This is
normally done to load or upgrade the switch software.
The following describes how to transfer files where the switch is acting as an FTP server.
Log into the switch.
Use your workstation’s FTP client software just as you would with any FTP
application. To log into the switch, start your FTP client. Where the FTP client asks for “Name”, enter the
IP address of your switch. Where the FTP client asks for “User ID”, enter the username of your login
account on the switch. Where the FTP client asks for “Password”, enter your switch password.
If you are using Authenticated Switch Access (ASA), the port interface must be authenticated for
FTP use and the username profile must have permission to use FTP. Otherwise the switch will not accept
an FTP login. For information about ASA, refer to the “Managing Switch Security” chapter in the
Management Guide
OmniSwitch FTP Server
The FTP Client software
on the Workstation sends a
file from the Workstation to
the OmniSwitch
FTP Client
FTP Server
OmniSwitch 6648