Using the CLI
Application Example
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Switch Management Guide
April 2006
page 5-23
Application Example
Using a Wildcard to Filter Table Information
The wildcard character allows you to substitute the asterisk (*) character for text patterns while using the
filter mode.
You must type the wildcard character in front of and after the filter text pattern unless the text
pattern appears alone on a table row.
In this example, the
command is used because it displays a long table of MIB
information. This example uses the filter option to display only those lines containing the “vlan” character
Use the
command to set the number of displayed lines to 10 and to enable the more mode.
-> more size 10
-> more
To verify your settings, enter the following:
-> show more
The more feature is enabled and the number of line is set to 10
Enter the
command. Note that 10 lines of information are displayed. The
switch is now in the
mode as indicated at the bottom of the screen.
-> show snmp mib family
6145 esmConfTrap NO SNMP ACCESS
6146 alcetherStatsTable interface
6147 esmConfTable interface
6148 ifJackTable interface
7169 dot1qPortVlanTable 802.1Q
7170 qAggregateVlanTable 802.1Q
7171 qPortVlanTable 802.1Q
More? [next screen <sp>, next line <cr>, filter pattern </>, quit <q>]
Type the filter pattern “
” command and the following message will automatically appear.
Enter filter pattern:
Enter the desired text pattern, in this case “
”, at the prompt. Remember to type the text exactly as it
would appear in the CLI table and to type the asterisk (*) character before and after the text. The More?
mode prompt will automatically re-appear.
Enter filter pattern: *vlan*
More? [next screen <sp>*, next line <cr>*, filter pattern </>*, quit <q>]