Managing the Directory Structure (Non-Redundant)
Managing CMM Directory Content
page 4-18
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Switch Management Guide
April 2006
If the switch is rebooted before using the
copy certified working
command, the switch will be
running from the certified directory as the working and certified directories are not the same. This behav-
ior is described in
“Where is the Switch Running From?” on page 4-4
To reboot the switch from the working directory, enter the following command at the prompt, along with a
time out period (in minutes), as shown:
-> reload working rollback-timeout 5
At the end of the timeout period, the switch will reboot again normally, as if a
command had been
It is important to certify the working directory and synchronize the stack as soon as the validity of
the software is established. Stacks booted from the working directory or unsynchronized stacks are at risk
of mismanaging data traffic due to incompatibilities in different versions of switch software. Certifying the
working directory is described in
“Copying the Working Directory to the Certified Directory” on
, while synchronizing the switch is described in
“Synchronizing the Primary and Secondary
Rebooting the Switch from the Working Directory with No Rollback Timeout
It is possible to reboot from the working directory without setting a rollback timeout, in the following
-> reload working no rollback-timeout
Scheduling a Working Directory Reboot
It is possible to cause a working directory reboot of the CMM at a future time by setting time parameters
in conjuction with the
reload working
command, using the
keywords. You will still need to spec-
ify a rollback timeout time, or that there is no rollback.
To schedule a working directory reboot of the CMM in 3 hours and 3 minutes with no rollback timeout,
you would enter:
-> reload working no rollback-timeout in 3:03
To schedule a working directory reboot of the CMM at 8:00pm with a rollback timeout of 10 minutes, you
would enter:
-> reload working rollback-timeout 10 at 20:00
Scheduled reboot times should be entered in military format (i.e., a twenty-four-hour clock).