Verifying Directory Contents
Managing System Files
page 2-34
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Switch Management Guide
April 2006
Transfer a File Using Secure Shell FTP
To demonstrate how to transfer a file using the Secure Shell FTP, this application example continues from
the previous example, where a new directory named “newssdir” was created on a remote OmniSwitch.
Use the Secure Shell FTP
command to transfer the file “testfile1.rr” from the local OmniSwitch to
the “newssdir” directory on the remote OmniSwitch. You must specify the local path (where the file
originates) and the remote path (where the file is going) in the command syntax. The following command
is used:
sftp> put /flash/testfile1.rr /flash/newssdir
The following will display to indicate that the file was successfully transferred to the /flash/newssdir on
the target OmniSwitch.
Uploading /flash/testfile1.rr to /flash/newssdir/testfile1.rr
To verify that the file was transferred to the correct destination, use the Secure Shell FTP
to move your log the newssdir directory. Then, use the
command to list the contents of the directory.
The copied file is listed in the correct directory as shown here.
sftp> cd newssdir
sftp> ls
2048 .
2048 ..
31 testfile1.rr
Closing a Secure Shell FTP Session
To terminate the Secure Shell FTP session, issue the
command. The following will display:
-> exit
Connection to 11.333.30.135 closed.
This display indicates the Secure Shell FTP session with IP address 11.333.20.135 is closed. The user is
now logged into the OmniSwitch as a local device with no active remote connection.
Verifying Directory Contents
To display list of files, the following CLI commands may be used.
For more information about these commands, see the
OmniSwitch CLI Reference Guide
Displays the contents of a specified directory or the current working
Displays the contents of a specified directory or the current working
Displays the content of a non primary switch in a stack.