G1 BENEFIT/G1 PLUS Skimmer Pools /
3. Final Covering with Gravel, 3rd Stage.
Lay another approx. 100-mm-thick layer of gravel (grain size 8–16 mm) on top of the first layer of gravel with
the laid drainage pipes covered with geotextile. The gravel needs to be adequately compacted, but be careful
not to damage the drainage pipes.
2. Stage
Drainage pipes (placed after the
first gravel backfill; about half-
way through the total layer of
200 mm, covered with geotextile)
3. Stage
Final gravel backfill
(up to 200 mm in total)
Important notice:
Drainage of the foundation slabs is an essential part of the construction preparation.
Rainwater and/or groundwater can cause quite extensive deformations of the pool shell;
therefore the foundation slab of the pool must always be properly drained. If the place for
installing the pool is in sloping terrain, or, after beginning the earthworks, it is found that it
has a clay subsoil (which means a higher probability of groundwater and its exercising of
pressure on the pool body), we recommend that you have a geological survey conducted
for foundation engineering. As a follow-up to its result, we recommend that you take
extended construction and drainage measures in relation to the target site, which will be
implemented outside the actual pool drainage system.
Damage to the pool caused by insufficient or inadequate preparation for construction is
not covered by the right arising from defective performance. Therefore, it is important to
monitor the construction company and its procedures continuously. We recommend
regular photo documentation of all the construction steps.
Levelling the Bottom of the Excavation
and Drainage of the Foundation Slab
1. Stage
earth strip FeZn 30x4
(around the pool excavation perimeter)
1. Stage
drainage shaft for pump
(located 500 mm below the excavation)
2. Stage
gravel backfill
(approx. half from a total height
of 200 mm)