G1 BENEFIT/G1 PLUS Skimmer Pools
1. Laying the thermal insulation. 1st Stage
Place thermal insulation (extruded polystyrene, 30 mm in thickness, with a minimum compressive strength of
200 kPa) on the foundation slab, under the bottom of the pool, and secure it against shift.
2. Placing the Pool Shell in the Excavation (in conjunction with the supplier)
2nd Stage
Place the pool shell, in accordance with local conditions. Once the pool has been laid in the excavation, the
customer should check the correct location and approve the fact with the workers installing the pool. The
customer then starts filling the pool with water (about 300 mm) to load it.
3. Technology shaft placement in the excavation
Technology shaft placement in the prepared excavation
4. Complete installation of the pool technology
Installation of technology and its interconnection via pipes with the pool shell. In order to interconnect
the pool and the technology shaft correctly, it is necessary to have an accurately prepared step for the
shaft in accordance with Chapter 2 Excavation Depth.
5. Tightness test by flooding the technology
The tightness of joints and pipes is verified by performing a “technology flooding”. For this test it
is necessary to ensure a sufficient amount of water to fill the technology to a water level of about
300 mm.
1. Stage
thermal insulation
(extruded polystyrene)
2. Stage
pool shell
Foundation slab with a rebar mesh
– it is necessary to carry out works subsequently at least according to points 7 and 8 of the construction prepa-
ration document so as to prevent damage to the pool (torrential rain, collapse of the excavation wall, etc.).
Placing the Pool Shell and Installa-
tion of the Pool Technology