25) Now let’s get some power under the hood. The firewall center lines have been pre-scribed for you. Drill templates have been
provided. Otherwise, use the manufacturers mounting template and tape it to the engine box, lining up the vertical line on the
template with the RIGHT vertical line on the firewall. Drill the 4 mounting holes using the drill bit size by your engine/motor
manufacturer (typically 1/4”). Also mark and open the other holes and slots in the template for the throttle pushrod, fuel line,
Going Electric? Skip ahead. Going Gas? Read on!
27) Temporarily mount the included firewall standoffs (or standoffs that will take your prop backplate to a distance of 9 1/16”
from the firewall) using your engine’s recommended bolts, washers and nylon lock nuts to check for clearance on the carbure-
tor. You may find it necessary to remove some wood around the hole in the firewall to clear the carb. If so, a dremel sanding
drum makes quick work of this. You can also use this opportunity to mark the location of your throttle arm on the carb and fuel
line locations on to the firewall and/or motor box sides (if not already done via the template). Use a dremel or drill an elongat-
ed slot to accommodate the full travel of the throttle.
28) If you plan on using a tuned pipe, use the provided pipe mount options and cut open the vent hole behind the landing gear.
Section 4
Motor/ESC & Cowl