Users Guide
Printed for Reference Only on November 15, 2006
L.PLAYBACK : User can search the recorded images from Client System. When User click
this L. PLAYBACK button, the PLAY BACK Window will be displayed and operate just like as
Main’s PLAY BACK Menu.
DISCONNECT : To disconnect the current session.
If you want to turn on or off the individual cameras, click “the Right button of the mouse” on the
camera button at the bottom of the screen.
3) Screen Mode Icons
: Beside the capture image, there are 14 different display type buttons.
: Single-Screen-Mode
: Multi-Screen-Mode
: Multi-Screen-Mode
: Multi-Screen-Mode
: Multi-Screen-Mode
: Multi-Screen-Mode
: Multi-Screen-Mode
: Multi-Screen-Mode
: Full-Screen-Mode
: Next-Screen-Mode
: Auto-Rotation-Mode
: Local Save : If user click this icon, the icon will be changed to green and the remote
system will record current transmitting image data from server in the remote PC system.
: Min-Screen Mode : Minimize the Window.
: Relay Control : Control relay 4 directly over network.