Users Guide
Printed for Reference Only on November 15, 2006
3.9. Notification Setting
User can configure the Notification that will alert the remote site (when any motion is detected or sensor
event is occurred.)
1) ADD
: User can ADD a remote site with following information
IP/Tel No : The IP or Telephone number of the remote site.
Port : TCP/IP Port number.
Transfer Device : Choose a network type of the connection
Lan, Modem, ISDN: Choose a way of transmission.
Password of IUSER_NOTIFY : If you select MODEM or ISDN, insert password of
IUSER_NOTIFY that is exist in the Remote Surveillance System.
Events : Check that event about notification from DVR Sever to Remote System.
E-Mail Service
- E-Mail: Check to send e-mail on event
- To: Type a manager ‘s e-mail address to receive
- Outgoing mail (SMTP): Type Outgoing mail Server
- Port: Type Port number (ex 25)
- Attach video: Choose video image number to be attached
2) Update
: Select one of the added remote sites, and User can modify the information of the selected site.