Airdog ADII User Manual Download Page 39



Airdog ADII and AirLeash 

do not

 require calibration before each flight, even if you 

are moving to a new flight location. But you will be asked to complete the 



 procedure every 8 hours for both devices.

Please note that ADII and AirLeash sensors have been factory-calibrated. Mag 
(magnetometer), accel (accelerometer) and gyro (gyroscope) sensors should be 
recalibrated only if AirLeash displays a error message during the Preflight Check 
Before attempting any sensor calibration please try to do a “Factory Reset”, for the 
particular device. Read more about the Factory Reset in article 8.1.

8.1 Factory Reset Airdog ADII And AirLeash

Factory Reset sets all  Activity Preset parameters and calibrations to the factory 
defaults. This action needs to be performed if you hear the "SOS" tone (three long 
beeps followed by three short beeps). Factory Reset is device specific, it needs to 
be done to each device separately. If you hear the "SOS" tone on Airdog ADII, then 
you need to Factory Reset the drone, but if you hear the "SOS" tone on AirLeash 
you need to Factory Reset AirLeash. If you want to reset the Activity Preset param-
eters then you must reset Airdog only.

To Factory Reset AirLeash:

1. Turn on AirLeash by long pressing (3 sec.) the Power/OK 


2. Short press the Menu 

 button to enter the Menu. 

3. Navigate through the Menu with arrow left

or right 

buttons until you see 

the Settings  icon on the AirLeash display.
4. Short press the Power/OK 

 button to enter Settings menu.

5. Navigate through the Settings menu with arrow left  or right  buttons until you 
see the Factory reset 

 icon on the AirLeash display. 

6. Short press the Power/OK  button to enter the Factory reset 


7. Navigate through the Factory reset menu with arrow left

or right


until you see the AirLeash 


8. Short press the Power/OK 

 button, a message: “Are you sure?” will pop up, 

short press the Power/OK 

 button again to restart and factory reset AirLeash.

Summary of Contents for ADII


Page 2: ...Chapter3 AirdogADIIDroneOverview 9 3 1UnfoldingTheArms 10 3 2UnfoldingTheLandingGear 10 3 3AttachingThePropellers 11 3 4InsertingTheBattery 12 3 5TurningTheDroneONAndOFF 12 3 7LEDStatusIndicatorDescription 12 3 8CameraGimbal Stabilizer 13 3 8 1GimbalLockingForTransport 14 3 8 2MountingTheCamera 14 3 8 3GimbalCalibration 15 3 8 4RecommendedCameraSettings 15 Chapter4 AirLeashWearableControllerOvervi...

Page 3: ...6BatteryStorage Self DischargeAndTransportation 27 5 7BatteryGeneralGuidelinesAndWarnings 28 5 8BatteryDisposal 28 Chapter6 ActivityPresets 29 6 1SelectingAndCustomizingActivityPreset 29 6 2FollowModes 30 6 3LandingModes 32 Chapter7 MobileAndDesktopApps 34 7 1MobileAppOverview 34 7 1 1DownloadAndInstallAirdogMobileApp 34 7 1 2PairingAirdogADIIWithTheMobileApp 35 7 2AirdogSuiteDesktopAppOverview 36...

Page 4: ... 8 3 2 Airdog ADII Accelerometer Accel Calibration 51 8 3 3 Airdog ADII Gyroscope Gyro Calibration 55 Chapter 9 Safety 57 9 1 Safety Checklist 57 9 2 Operation Requirements 57 9 3 Flight Location Prohibited Takeoff Locations 58 Chapter 10 Flight 59 10 1 Getting GPS 59 10 2 Preflight Check For AirDog ADII and AirLeash 60 10 3 Flight Training Mode 61 10 4 Takeoff 62 10 5 Airdog ADII In flight Contro...

Page 5: 11 Appendix 67 11 1 Specifications 67 11 2 Warranty 69 11 2 1 What Is Covered And For How Long 69 11 2 2 What Is Not Covered 70 11 3 Compliance 72 11 3 1 FCC Compliance 72 11 3 2 IC RSS Compliance 73 11 4 Manufacturer s Disclaimer Statement 74 ...

Page 6: ...rones and we are proud to have made such impact in the industry For the Airdog ADII auto follow is not a feature or a mode but it s core essence And because every sport is different and has different demands for precision following we ve custom engineered flight modes for various sports activities and creative needs We can t wait to see the amazing footage of your action so remember to use airdog ...

Page 7: ...Check and follow all local laws and ordinances before flying over private property Do not conduct surveillance or photograph persons in areas where there is an expectation of privacy without the individual s permission see AMA s privacy policy Source knowbeforeyoufly org Airdog supports the Know Before You Fly education campaign and is committed to providing consumers and prospective business oper...

Page 8: ... you suddenly descend too fast Meaning if you take a steep drop on a mountain bike Airdog ADII won t bounce off the rocks 1 6What sInTheBox Airdog ADII drone 1x unit AirLeash 1x unit Strap 1x unit Micro USB cable 1x unit Battery 1x unit Battery charger 1x unit Power cord 3x units GoPro camera not included Airdog ADII battery charger power cord for US EU and UK ...

Page 9: ... address SIA Airdog Maskavas street 12 k 1 Riga LV 1050 Latvia 2017 Airdog Inc All Rights Reserved Airdog Airdog ADII ADII AirLeash and the Airdog logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Airdog Inc GoPro HERO the GoPro logo and the GoPro Be a HERO logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of GoPro Inc App Store is a trademark of Apple Inc Google Play is a trademark of Google Inc Bluetoo...

Page 10: ...s a foldable autonomous and intelligent flying quadcopter The ADII will follow the user wearing a small tracking and control device called AirLeash The ADII films the user with a mechanically stabilized 3 axis gimbal for GoPro HERO 5 Black camera ...

Page 11: ...body Becarefulwhilefoldingthearmsasthereisariskofpinchingyourfingers Makesurethatalldronesarmsarefullyunfoldedandlockedinplacebefore eachflight Makesurethatthedronesarmsareingoodconditionbeforeeachflight Flyingwithdamaged cracked armsmaycauseacrashthatisnotcoveredby thewarranty Donottrytounfoldorfoldthearmswhilethepropellersarerotating 3 2UnfoldingTheLandingGear Unfold the front landing gear 1 Pre...

Page 12: ...ock icon that is embossed on the propeller plastic Left Right Front Rear Incorrectpropellerplacementmaycausethedronetoflipoverorflyout ofcontrol Beforeeachflightensurethepropellersareattachedcorrectlyandingoodcondition Propellersareselftightening sodon tover tightenthepropellers toavoiddamagingthethreads AlwaysuseoriginalAirdogpropellers Donot touchthedronewhenpropellersarerotating AlwaysturnoffAirdog...

Page 13: ...ter you insert the battery into the drone To power Airdog ADII ON Insertthebatteryintothedrone pressandholdthe Powerbutton locatedonthebatteryitself until ADII sLEDslightupandyouhearthestartuptone To turn Airdog ADII OFF PressandholdthePowerbutton locatedonthebattery itself untilADII sLEDsturnofforsimplypullthebattery outfromthedrone Thedronewillautomaticallypoweroffafter1hourofinactivitysincelast...

Page 14: ... Black camera Powered by three brushless motors the gimbalhastheabilitytokeepthecameralevelonallaxesnomatterhowthedroneisflying even when operating in extreme weather conditions The gimbal adapter also charges your GoPro sothereisonebatterylesstocharge AirdogADII3axisgimbaliscompatibleonlywithGoProHERO5Blackcamera UseonlyoriginalGoProcamera Usingotherbrands thathavedifferentweightsand dimensions ma...

Page 15: ...eelyanddothesamethingfortheyaw pan motor Makesurethatthecameragimbalmovesfreelyinall3axisbeforeyoutakeoff 3 8 2 Mounting The Camera 1 Pressonthegimbaladapterbottomlever toopenthecameraadaptersidelatch 2 Unfoldtheadaptersidelatchcompletely 3 Removethecamerasidedoor beforeinsertingit intotheadapter 4 Gentlyslidethecameraintheadapteruntilitsnapsinplace 5 Closetheadaptersidelatch 6 Securetheadaptersid...

Page 16: ...ngs iconontheAirLeashdisplay 5 ShortpressthePower OK buttontoenterSettings 6 NavigatethroughtheSettingswitharrowleft orright buttonsuntilyouseetheCalibration icononthedisplay 7 ShortpressonthePower OK buttontoentertheCalibrationmenu 8 Navigate through the Calibration menu with arrow left or right buttons until you seetheGimbalcalibration icon 9 ShortpressthePower OK buttontoenterGimbalCalibration ...

Page 17: ...ingisok Solidred Systemfaulty checktheAirLeashdisplayforinfo Blinksred Dronebatteryisrunninglow RedLED ChargestatusLED BlueLED TheAirLeashisasmallwaterprooftrackerwithcleversoftwareandsensorsinside Itsends signals to the Airdog ADII indicating exact movement trajectory and speed The drone performs in flight calculations to adjust its flying pattern and aims the camera at the user wearing AirLeash ...

Page 18: ...ftwhileinmenu SP MoveRightwhileinmenu SP Initiatetakeoff Inactive SP Start Stopfollowmodeand SP Initiates CometoMe command SP Confirmselection LP 3sec PowerAirLeashon off LP 20sec HardshutdownforAirLeash SP Enter exitJoystick mode SP Entermenu Backinmenu SP GoUpormoveFartheraway LP Continuouslygoupormove Fartheraway until buttonispressed SP GodownormoveCloser LP ContinuouslygodownormoveCloser unti...

Page 19: ...hots menu GettingGPS Thisiconwillbevisibleonlywhenoneorbothofthedevices AirdogADIIorAirLeash don thavestrongGPSsignal TooperateADIIandAirLeashneedtohave100 GPS Joystickmode Whenyouenterthismode theJoystick icononAirLeash displayisvisible youwillbeablerepositionthedronefartherarrowup or closerarrowdown toyou Currentdronealtitude Thisiconwillbevisibleonlywhenthedronesaltitude isadjustedduringtheflig...

Page 20: ...n Entercalibrationmenu AirLeashcalibration EnterAirLeashsensorcalibrationmenu Airdogcalibration EnterAirdogADIIsensorcalibrationmenu Cameragimbalcalibration EnterADIIcameragimbalcalibrationmenu Gyrocalibration ThisiconisusedforADIIandAirLeashgyrocalibration Magnetometercalibration ThisiconisusedforADIIandAirLeashmagnetometercalibration Accelerometercalibration ThisiconisusedforADIIandAirLeashaccel...

Page 21: ... easilyaccessthecontrolbuttonsevenwithglovesorwethands FactoryReset FactoryResetforADIIorAirLeashsetsallparametersandsensor calibrationstothefactorydefaults ActivityPresetsmenu EnterActivityPresetmenutoselectyouractivity CurrentangleinAdaptivefollow ThisiconwillbevisibleonlywhenAdaptive ADAP followisinitiatedinflight ItwilldisplaythecurrentanglewhichAirdog ADIIwillmaintainduringtheflight Newiconsm...

Page 22: ...rbewaterproofifitisopened OpeningAirLeashmaycausedamagethatisnotcoveredbywarranty SwitchoffallotherBluetoothdeviceswithinrangeordisabletheirBluetooth functionalitysuchaswirelessheadphonesorfitnesstrackers DonotplaceAirLeashinapocketorcoveritwithasleevewhenflyingthedrone AirLeashshouldbealwaysvisibleandnothiddenbehindalayerofclothing FailuretofollowtheseguidelinesmaylowertheGPSaccuracyandthereisarisk...

Page 23: ...ble to chargeyourAirLeash TheAirLeashbatterychargesto100 approximatelyintwohours TochargeAirLeashyouhaveto 1 GentlyremovethewaterproofingUSBcoverinthebackofAirLeash 2 Connectthemicro USBcabletoAirLeashUSBport AirLeashmustbeturnedoff 3 Plugtheotherendofmicro USBcabletoyourcomputeroranyotherpowersourcewitha USBport When the AirLeash battery level has reached a 100 charge the charge status LED color ...

Page 24: ...rSettings 5 Navigate through the Settings with arrow left or right buttons until you see Pairing iconontheAirLeashdisplay 6 ShortpressthePower OK buttonandawarningmessage Areyousure willpopup shortpressthePower OK buttonagaintoenablepairingmodeonAirLeash 7 To enable pairing mode on the drone long press 3 sec the tail button until you hear a longbeepanddronesLEDsbeginflashingrapidlywithbluecolor 8 ...

Page 25: ... smart charge discharge functionality It should be charged only with the official Airdog battery charger Depending on weather conditions and follow speed ADII can stay airborne up to 18 minutes 5 1CheckingTheBatteryLevel Thebatterylevelindicatorshowshow muchchargeremainsinthebattery Tocheckthebatterychargelevel shortpressthebuttonbelow theLEDindicators After shortcalculations the LEDindicatorswill...

Page 26: ...cated on the battery itself you ll see this message displayed on the AirLeash display PleasereportthisissuetooursupportteamviadesktopappAirdogSuite Report aproblem tab 5 3BatteryCharger ThebatterychargerisdesignedforADIIbatteryonly PowercordsforUS UK EUareincluded intheAirdogADIIpackaging 5 4ChargingTheAirdogADIIBattery ADIIusesaLithium IonPolymerbatteryanditshipswithanapproximate30 batterylevel T...

Page 27: ... the LED indicators on the battery will display the current battery level with the last LED slowly dimmingonandoffindicatingthatitischarging Tochargethebattery 1 ConnecttheAirdogbatterychargertoawalloutletwiththeappropriatepowercord 100 240V 50 60Hz 2 Connectthebatterytothecharger 3 Whenthebatterylevelhasreacheda100 charge batterywillemit3shortbeeps theLEDswillnotbelit Normalchargingtimeshouldtake...

Page 28: ...battery update If one of the errors persist even after three tries please contact support 5 6BatteryStorage Self DischargeAndTransportation Storing the battery at a depleted charge under 20 one LED on the battery level indicator foralongerperiodoftimemayresultinashortenedbatterylifeorpermanentdamagetothe batterythatisnotcoveredbywarranty To prevent swelling the battery automatically self discharge...

Page 29: ...terythathasfallenintowater Ifthebatterystartstoballoonorswellup discontinuethechargingprocess immediately Disconnectthebattery placeitinasafeareaoutsideofabuildingor vehicleandawayfromanycombustiblematerialanddonotuseit Continuingto chargeabatterythathasbeguntoswellwillresultinfire Neverexpose storeorchargethebatteryinextremetemperatures doingsocould causeafire Stopusingthebatteryifyounoticeitisdr...

Page 30: particular activity For an example in Kitesurf Preset the ADII will automatically position itself in the upwind side from rider to avoid crashing into thekiteanditwillreturntothebeachforlandingatasafealtitudeaboveotherkites However in Trail Preset ADII will follow your elevation changes while in Surf Preset it will ignore altitudechangestoavoidcrashinginwater Each Activity Preset has customisab...

Page 31: ...rowleft orright buttonuntilyouseetheCustom izeicon withyourpreviouslyselectedActivityPreseticon ontheAirLeashdisplay 5 ShortpressthePower OK buttontoentercurrentActivityPresetcustomization 6 Navigatethroughtheflightparameterlistwitharrowleft orright buttons tochange flight parameter value use the arrow up or down buttons You can adjust multiple parametersatonceandsyncthemallatonce 7 After you are ...

Page 32: you perfectly framed in the shot CAUTION Lines must be set in a safe distance from trees minimum 30 feet or 10 meters and buildings to allow for GPS inaccuracies and to ensure open view to skies for best satellite signal reception sub Mode HOVER In this mode the ADII will hover at a fixed position and altitude while panning around and adjusting the camera pitch to keep you in frame perfectly ev...

Page 33: ... you manually send a command from AirLeash Landing modes are Activity Specific meaning each Activity Preset has its predefined landing mode to ensure a safe landing HOME ReturnToHome In this landing mode Airdog ADII will ascend to the preset Safe Altitude and then fly in a straight line to the initial takeoff HOME location and land The default Safe Altitude is 90 feet 30 meters the Safe Altitude c...

Page 34: ...e is typically used in downhill activities such as snowboarding or MTB where you want to land the drone at your chosen spot not far away from you when you re done with your ride or when the battery is low SPOT landing can be initiated manually by short pressing the button on AirLeash Alternatively you can walk to a safe landing spot and press the Come to Me button Once the drone has flown to your ...

Page 35: ...NES are stored in the CLOUD and available in your smartphone ready to use whenever you decide to go back to that particular spot You can also use the Airdog App to adjust customize and fine tune Activity Preset settings The Airdog app does not let you choose an Activity Preset on ADII itself 7 1 1DownloadAndInstallAirdogMobileApp Download the Airdog App from the Apple App store or Google Play stor...

Page 36: ...Airdogmobileapponyoursmartphone Pleaseensurethat Bluetoothisturned ON onyourdevice 3 Taponthe Menu icon bottomrightcorner andloginwithyourAirdogID 4 Enablepairingmodeonthedronebylongpressing 5sec tailbutton untilyouhearalongbeepandADII sLEDsstartflashingrapidlywithbluecolor 5 IntheAirdogmobileapp tapontheAirdogicon 6 Taponthe Search buttonandtheappwillfindyourdrone 7 Thenpressthe Connect buttonint...

Page 37: ...nddragtheAirdog Suiteappiconinthe Applications folder 2 2 forWindows extractthearchivefolder byright clickingonthe AirdogSuite zip andthenselecting Extractall Chooseadirectorywhereyouwillbeabletofinditlater 3 FormoredetailedAirdogSuiteinstallationinstructionspleasevisithelp airdog com 7 2 2AirdogADIIAndAirLeashFirmwareUpdate For the best user experience we recommend that you regularly connect your...

Page 38: ... you see an error messages like Device communication error or similar disconnect the device and then reconnect it back and try to update firmware again If you see the message Can t auto detect device please click on the icon that matches the connected device Airdog ADII or AirLeash Try to update firmware again If AirLeash becomes unresponsive AirLeash display doesn t show any information and one o...

Page 39: ...ry Reset is device specific it needs to be done to each device separately If you hear the SOS tone on Airdog ADII then you need to Factory Reset the drone but if you hear the SOS tone on AirLeash you need to Factory Reset AirLeash If you want to reset the Activity Preset param eters then you must reset Airdog only ToFactoryResetAirLeash 1 Turn on AirLeash by long pressing 3 sec the Power OK button...

Page 40: ...ith arrow left or right buttons until you see the drone icon 9 Short press the Power OK button a warning message Are you sure will pop up short press the Power OK button again to restart and factory reset Airdog 8 2AirLeashCalibration Please note that all AirLeash sensors have been factory calibrated Sensors should be recalibrated ONLY if AirLeash displays a calibration error message during the Ai...

Page 41: ...s 5 Navigate through the Settings with arrow left or right buttons until you see the Calibration icon on the display 6 Short press on the Power OK button to enter the Calibration menu 7 Navigate through the Calibration menu with arrow left or right buttons until you see the AirLeash calibration icon 8 Short press the Power OK button to enter AirLeash Calibration menu 9 Navigate through the AirLeas...

Page 42: ...ide UP until you hear a tone and see a message Rotate 360º holding steady rotate ONLY when you see THAT message 16 The rotation is complete when you hear a different tone and AirLeash displays the next Hold THIS side up message Rotate AirLeash so that the text is readable 17 Hold AirLeash steady with indicated side UP until you hear a tone and see a message Rotate 360º holding steady rotate ONLY w...

Page 43: ...AirLeash Display UP Rotate AirLeash so that display is facing up 21 Hold AirLeash steady with Display facing UP until you hear a tone and see a message Rotate 360º holding steady rotate ONLY when you see THAT message 22 The rotation is complete when you hear a different tone and AirLeash displays Hold AirLeash Display DOWN message Rotate AirLeash so that display is facing down HOLD THIS SIDE UP HO...

Page 44: ...below to complete accel calibration Make sure to hold AirLeash steady and level at a 90º angle respective to a surface in each axis position Do not move AirLeash when it displays the message CALIBRATING Hold steady AirLeash Accel calibration process 1 Turn on AirLeash by long pressing 3 sec the Power OK button 2 Short press the Menu button to enter Menu 3 Navigate through the Menu with arrow left ...

Page 45: ...u must hold up will appear 13 Place AirLeash on a level surface and hold it steady at a 90º angle respective to the surface so the displayed message is readable A message CALIBRATING Hold steady will appear do not move AirLeash while this message is visible 14 When you hear a different tone and you see the next Hold THIS side up message rotate AirLeash so that the text is readable 15 Place AirLeas...

Page 46: ...e next Hold THIS side up message rotate AirLeash so that the text is readable 19 Place AirLeash on a level surface and hold it steady at a 90º angle respective to the surface so the displayed message is readable A message CALIBRATING Hold steady will appear do not move AirLeash while this message is visible 20 When you hear a different tone and you see the message Display UP place AirLeash on a le...

Page 47: ...orinfo thenretrythecalibration and hold AirLeash really steady in each position If the error persists calibrate AirLeash Gyro and then retry the Accel calibration If you get FAILED wrong angle Scroll dwn for info then retry the calibration again and make sure AirLeash is placed at a 90º angle respective to the ground level in each position 8 2 3AirLeashGyroscope Gyro Calibration Calibrate Gyro on ...

Page 48: ...calibration tips or put AirLeash on stable surface and short press the Power OK button to start the calibration It is strongly advised to watch the calibration videos at help airdog com before you calibrate any sensors 12 Calibrationwillstartafter5sec amessagestating CALIBRATINGdon tmove will appear do not move AirLeash while this message is visible 13 You will hear the success tone and see the me...

Page 49: ...ttings 6 Navigate through the Settings with arrow left or right buttons until you see the Calibration icon on the display 7 Short press on the Power OK button to enter the Calibration menu 8 Navigate through the Calibration menu with arrow left or right buttons until you see the drone calibration icon 9 Short press the Power OK button to enter Airdog Calibration menu 10 Navigate through the Airdog...

Page 50: ... steady 15 When you hear a different tone and see the message Rotate 360 holding steady Do a full 360 rotation while holding the drone in the first position The rotation is complete when you hear a different tone 16 A message stating Flip belly DOWN wait for the tone will appear flip the drone belly down and hold it steady 17 When you hear a different tone and see the message Rotate 360 holding ste...

Page 51: ...ide so that the RIGHT arms are UP and hold it steady 21 When you hear a different tone and see the message Rotate 360 holding steady Do a full 360 rotation while holding the drone in the fourth position The rotation is complete when you hear a different tone 22 A message stating Rotate CameraUPwaitforthetone will appear rotate the drone so that the Camera is pointing towards the sky and hold it st...

Page 52: ...lowing error messages If you get This SIDE is DONE rotate to a different side then change the drones position hold it steady and the calibration will resume If you get FAILED motion detected Scroll dwn for info then retry the calibra tion and hold Airdog really steady in each position If error persists calibrate Airdog gyro and then retry the Magnetometer calibration If you get FAILED wrong angle ...

Page 53: ...Accel icon on the AirLeash display 11 Short press the Power OK button to select the accel calibration 12 Strap AirLeash on your forearm with the display visible in order to see the calibra tion instructions 13 You can scroll down with arrow down button to read the calibration tips or short press the Power OK button to start the calibration It is strongly advised to watch the calibration videos at ...

Page 54: ... a level surface Hold it steady at a 90º angle respective to the ground level 19 A message CALIBRATING Hold steady will appear do not move the drone while this message is visible 20 When you hear a different tone and see the message Hold with LEFT arms UP flip the drone on the other side so that the LEFT arms are UP and right arms are resting on a surface Hold it steady at a 90º angle respective t...

Page 55: ...ou hear the success tone and see the message Calibration COMPLETED Press short press on Power OK button to complete the calibration process and restart the drone 26 Duringcalibrationyoumayseetheseerrormessages Ifyouget ThisSIDEisDONE rotate toadifferentside thenchangethe dronesposition holditsteadyandthecalibrationwillresume Ifyouget FAILEDmotiondetectedScrolldwn forinfo thenretrythecalibration an...

Page 56: ... Power OK button to enter Settings 6 Navigate through the Settings with arrow left or right buttons until you see the Calibration icon on the display 7 Short press on the Power OK button to enter the Calibration menu 8 Navigate through the Calibration menu with arrow left or right buttons until you see the drone calibration icon 9 Short press the Power OK button to enter Airdog Calibration menu 10...

Page 57: ...ll show the message Calibration COMPLETED Press short press the Power OK button to complete the calibration process and restart the drone 16 If during calibration you see the error message FAILED motion detected Scroll dwn for info then retry the gyro calibration and make sure that the drone doesn t move during the calibration process Note that strong wind can also cause this error message to appe...

Page 58: ...eenAirLeashandADIIdoesnotexceed7feet 2 meters duringtakeoff Toseeallthesafetyguidelines check knowbeforeyoufly org for recreational users 9 2OperationRequirements AirdogADIIisnotsetupforobstacleavoidanceandyoumustensurethereareno obstaclesintheflightareathatcoulddisturbtheflight suchas trees crowdofpeople bodiesofwater buildingsorhighvoltagepowerlines Rotatingpropellerscancauseseriousinjury Neveri...

Page 59: ...erate their sUAS at an altitude of no more than 400 feet 120 meters above ground level Be aware that by default the maximum flight altitude for Airdog ADII cannot exceed an altitude of 400 feet 120 meters FAA regulations require that Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems sUAS users may not operate their sUAS at a speed exceeding 87 knots 100 miles per hour 160 kilometers per hour Be aware that by defaul...

Page 60: ...ic interfer encefromradiotowers orthetimeofday canreducethequalityofGPSsignal Turn on Airdog ADII and AirLeash Place them on the ground next to each other and wait until both of them acquire 100 GPS signal Forbestperformanceandsafety regularlyconnectAirdogADIIandAirLeashtoyour computerandlaunchourdesktopappAirdogSuite Gotothe FirmwareUpdate sectionandmakesurethatbothdevicesareupdatedwiththelatestf...

Page 61: ...ick up the drone and hold it steady parallel to the ground untilyouhearatonechange 2 Once the tone changes start slowly rotating one full circle until you hear a tone change Allow at least 10 15 seconds foronefull360rotation 3 Roll the drone so that both LEFT SIDE arms are pointing UPandholditsteadyuntilyouhearatonechange 4 Once the tone changes start slowly rotating maintaining the drones positio...

Page 62: ...nsdetectedtryagainorcalibrateaccel retryPreflightCheckagain ifyouget thesameerrormessagecalibratethedronesaccel Vibrationsdetectedtryagainorcalibratemag retryPreflightCheckagain ifyouget thesameerrormessagecalibratethedronesmagnetometer CalibrateGyro pleasecalibratethedronesgyro CalibrateAccel pleasecalibratethedroneaccel CalibrateMagnetometer pleasecalibratethedronemagnetometer Hardwareerrorconta...

Page 63: ...t the camera at AirLeash and HOVER in the current position When the drone is in HOVER you ll see the pause icon in the status bar 4 To initiate FOLLOW short press the Play Pause button on AirLeash CAUTION The drone will slowly fly backwards to reach the preset follow distance When the drone is in FOLLOW you ll see the play icon in the status bar Fullfunctionalityofyourthedronewillbeunlockedonlyaft...

Page 64: ...ltitude until you short press the Power OK button or until it reaches the minimum altitude 7 meters 23 feet from the ground 10 5 2 Change Angle You can reposition Airdog ADII clockwise to the right or counterclockwise to the left around you To reposition the drone clockwise to the right Press the arrow right button once and the drone will change its position by one step If you long press 3 sec the...

Page 65: ... 295 feet 90 meters To reposition the drone closer When Joystick mode is enabled press the arrow down button once and the drone will reposition closer to you by one step If you long press 3 sec the arrow down button the drone will continuously reposition closer to you until you short press the Power OK button or until it reaches the minimum distance of 23 feet 7 meters 10 5 4Play PauseFollow To st...

Page 66: ...nitiate landing sequence that is determined by your chosen Activity Preset Read more about landing modes in section 6 3 To manually initiate SPOT landing Short press the land button on AirLeash Airdog ADII will land at its current position Alternatively You can walk to a safe landing spot and press the Come to Me button Once the drone has flown to your current position take a step back and short p...

Page 67: ...half way the ADII will gradually tilt camera looking straight down When the Reveal IN is completed the ADII will do the same thing flying in from far and then focusing on the AirLeash ADII will tilt the camera straight downwards and will not aim the camera at AirLeash You will be able to adjust the drones position and altitude just like you would in regular HOVER mode only difference that you will...

Page 68: ... type Brushless motor Propeller 11 02 in x 1 06 in 28 cm x 2 7 cm Battery Interchangeable 14 8V 5550 mAh lithium ion polymer battery Maximum flight altitude 11 500 feet 3 500 meters above sea level Maximum speed 45milesperhour 72kmperhour Wind limitation 30 knots 15 meters per second Estimated flight time 10 to 18 min depending on the flight speed wind conditions Operating temperature range 23F 10...

Page 69: ... Standby time 90min approx 8 flights Charge time 2 hours IP rating IP67 Submersible up to 1 meter for 30 min Charging port Micro USB Frequency type Long range Bluetooth Range when ADII is in air 500 feet 150 meters Operating temperature range 23 F 104 F 5 C to 40 C Operating relative humidity range 0 85 RH AirdogBatteryCharger Voltage 100 240 V Rated Power Out 55W ...

Page 70: ...urbished parts or 2 replace the product with a new or refurbished product within a reasonable period of time and free of charge Refurbished means a product or part that has been returned to its original specifications This limited warranty only covers product issues caused by defects in material or workmanship during ordinary consumer use for the period commencing upon the date of purchase and con...

Page 71: ...or dampness 5 Unusual physical electrical or electromechanical stress 6 Defects or damage from external causes i e proximity or exposure to heat electro magnetic interferences interferences with other wireless devices improper use of any electrical source battery leakage blown fuse etc 7 Accidents caused by non manufacturing factors i e collision with another object crash or fire etc 8 Unauthorize...

Page 72: ...non Airdog products or software Third party manufacturers suppliers or software publishers other than Airdog may provide their own warranties to the purchaser This limited warranty is void when the Airdog ADII drone sustains damage or there is loss of the Airdog ADII drone as a result from the selection customization or use of an Activity Preset which does not strictly correspond to the activity w...

Page 73: ...ntenna or transmitter This equipment complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules Operation is subject to the condition that this device does not cause harmful interference FCC Rules Part 15 Warning This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful...

Page 74: ... accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi même si le brouillage est susceptible d en compromettre le fonctionnement IC Radiation Exposure Statement The Airdog equipment has been tested and complies with IC RF radiation exposure limits set forth an uncontrolled environment The Airdog equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator and your body This t...

Page 75: ...expressed or implied is made with respect to the quality accuracy or fitness for any particular purpose of this document The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to the content of this document and or the products associated with it at any time without obligation to notify any person or organisation of such changes In no event will the manufacturer be liable for direct indirect special ...
