17. Option FE - function extension
To enter coefficients A, B, C and resistance R0 (at 0 °C) in the Pt100 formula,
first select the input channel and then determine the associated coefficients.
Select the input channel
Input range
Enter coefficient A
f1 ax.xxxxx
3.7 ... 4.1
Enter coefficient B
f2 ax.xxxxx
5.6 ... 6.0
Enter coefficient C
f3 ax.xxxxx
4.0 ... 4.4
Enter resistance R0
f2 exxx.xxxxx
95.0 ... 105.0
The input format is one integer digit before the decimal point (three integer dig-
its for R0) and up to five decimal places. If fewer decimal places are entered,
the input must be completed with CR. There is no need to enter the arithmetic
sign or exponent - just the mantissa.
To denote measured value correction ´!´ appears at the end of the comments
To delete all coefficients : C27 or to delete individually enter ´0´.