Appendix F. Error Messages
HP-IB Messages
Save/recall memory lost.
The nonvolatile data saved by the *SAV command has been lost.
Configuration memory lost.
The nonvolatile configuration data saved by the instrument has been
Self-test failed.
Further information about the self-test failure is available by using
Queue overflow.
The error queue has overflown. This error is written to the last
position in the queue, no further errors are recorded.
Query Errors (-400 to -499)
These are error messages in the range -400 to -499. They show that
an error has been detected by the output queue control.
A query error is signalled by the query error bit (bit 2) in the event
status register.
Query error.
This shows that a query error has occurred. No more specific
information is available.
Query interrupted.
A condition occurred that interrupted the transmission of the
response to a query (for example, a query followed by a DAB or a
GET before the response was completely sent).
Query unterminated.
A condition occurred that interrupted the reception of a query (for
example, the instrument was addressed to talk and an incomplete
program message was received).
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