Appendix H
Ramp Load
Ramp Load Positioning Utility
The ramp load positioning utility has the following menu windows.
Main Menu
The task list of the buttons in the main menu is as follows.
Figure H-12
Main Menu
Positioning Step Select the amount of the step. Each step is defined as the distance
travelled by the stage each time the direction button is pressed. It range
from 0.1mm to 20mm. use a large step value to move the head close
enough to the required location, then use a smaller step value for fine
Up/Down/Right/Left Move the head toward the up, down, right, or left side of the media.
HGA up
Perform the unload.
HGA down
Perform the load.
Ramp In
Move the ramp to the Ramp In position.
Ramp Out
Move the ramp to the Ramp Out position.
Goto Ramp Position Unload the head and move it to the ramp load position.
Goto Media Position Unload the head and move it to the media load position.
Goto Home Position Unload the head and move it to the home position.
Ramp to Media Position Enter the distance between the ramp load position and the
media load position.
Store Ramp/Media Position... Save the positioning data, ramp load position and media
load position.
Open the “Ramp Load Test” menu as shown in Figure H-13.
Close the ramp load positioning utility.
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