Chapter 3
VEE Measurement Program Operation
Popcorn Noise Test
Popcorn Noise Test when using E5038A/B
This section describes the Popcorn Noise Measurement. This measurement allows you to
analyze the head noise after write operation. Popcorn noise is detected when it exceeds a
specified level (threshold level) at a specified time.
1. To open the Popcorn Noise menu, click on the [Popcorn Noise] button.
Figure 3-103
Popcorn Noise Menu
Aborts unexpected long measurements.
2. Set the parameters, click on each button to enter a new value.
Channel Bit Rate
Specifies the speed at which data bits are
written on the media per second [bps].
Write Current
Specifies the current applied to the write head.
Sense Bias
Specifies the current applied to the read head.
Test Counts
Specifies the number of counts for popcorn
noise. This parameter can be set from 1 (min)
to 1,000,000 (max).
Specifies the threshold level as the limit to
detect popcorn noise. Popcorn noise is
detected when it reaches this level.This
parameter is expressed in volts [V].
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