45. Install a 6” servo extension into the aileron
channel of the receiver. The antenna may be
shortened by winding on a card board spool as
shown if desired.
46. Insert the rudder and elevator servo extensions
into the appropriate channels of the receiver.
Insert the speed control lead into the motor
channel of the receiver. Mount the receiver and
antenna spool to the fuse with double sided
mounting tape.
47. Route the antenna through the bottom of the fuse
just aft of the wing saddle as shown. The
antenna is secured to the bottom of the fuse with
a small piece of clear tape.
48. Attach the aileron servo extension to the aileron
receiver extension. Insert the wing mounting bolt
through the hole in the wing belly pan. Mount
the wing to the fuse and secure with the wing
mounting bolt. Do not over tighten and crush the
wood in the wing.
The radio installation is now complete.