10. Cut out the holes on the paper template and rein-
stall on the plane. Test fit the template, make
any changes that may be needed at this time.
11. Re attach template to cowl and mark cut loca-
tions for exhaust stack exit holes.
Take care and test painted areas prior to
using any type of paint remover, rubbing
alcohols or cleaners to remove any pen lines.
9. Using a template enlarge the muffler exit hole
12. Use a rotary cutting tool and sanding drum to cut
the exhaust stack exit holes as needed.
We have found this to be adequate cooling
for the DA170. Depending on your engine’s
operating temperature, you may need to allow
for more exit air cooling for your engine to run
at its recommended operating temperature.
Always check the operating temperature of
your engine to prevent any damage from
occurring. Aeroworks is not responsible for
damages incurred from improper engine