Certifi cation
The SIGMA 7 has been awarded LTF 2 and EN certifi cation for all si-
zes in both un-accelerated and accelerated fl ight. The certifi cation re-
ports can be downloaded from www.advance.ch.
Certifi cation ratings can only provide limited information about a
paraglider’s fl ying behaviour in thermally active and turbulent air. The
certifi cation is based primarily on provoked extreme fl ight manoeuv-
res in calm air.
During the development of an ADVANCE paraglider, the emphasis is
fi rst and foremost on fl ying behaviour and handling and not exclusi-
vely on the certifi cation test. The result is a well-rounded product wi-
th the familiar ADVANCE handling. Nevertheless, the certifi cation ra-
ting occupies a signifi cant proportion of the specifi cations that have
to be met.
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