PageMaker Plug-in Pack Features
Pathnames, which are case-sensitive, must follow
the naming conventions of the operating system
on which they’re stored.
Windows data source file example:
Na m e , Ag e , @ P h o to s
Bi l l Tu c ke r, 3 6 , c : \ P h o to s \ Bi l l Tu c ke r. j p g
D a t N g uye n , 5 3 , c : \ My D o c u m e n t s \ d a t . g i f
Ma r i a Ru i z , 2 6 , c : \ P h o to s \ Ru i z . p s d
Mac OS data source file example:
Na m e , Ag e , @ P h o to s
Bi l l Tu c ke r, 3 6 , Ma c H D : P h o to s : Bi l l Tu c ke r. j p g
D a t N g uye n , 5 3 , D e s k to p : Fa m i l y : d a t . g i f
Ma r i a Ru i z , 2 6 , Ma c H D : P h o to s : Ru i z . p s d
Selecting a data source for the target
Before you insert fields into your target document,
select a data source in the Data Merge palette. You
can have only one data source file selected per
target document.
If you change to a new data source file, InDesign
may not recognize some of the fields. In this
situation, it’s best to delete and reinsert place-
holder fields.
To select a data source:
Create or open the document you’ll be using as
the target document.
Choose Window > Data Merge.
Choose Select Data Source from the Data Merge
palette menu.
Locate the data source file, and click Open.
In the Select Data Source Type dialog box,
specify whether the data is a Comma Separated or
Tab Delimited file, and click OK.
If an alert message appears, or if incorrect
fields appear in the list box, you may need to edit
the spreadsheet or database file and save it as a
comma-delimited file. (See “Working with data
source files” on page 59.)
Setting up the target document
Once your data source file is created, you need to
set up the target document and insert the fields
from the data source file. The target document
contains data-field placeholder text and graphics,
such as the design that you want to appear on
every postcard.
The target document includes fields from the data
source with field placeholder text shown.
When you merge data, InDesign creates a new
document that replaces the fields with the data you
designated in the data source file.
<<Company Name>>
<<City>>, <<State>> <<Postal Code>>