User Guide Supplement
Fit Images to Frames to scale the image so that
its aspect ratio is identical to the frame’s aspect
Fit Frames to Images to preserve the image size
but adjust the frame size to match it.
Preserve Frame and Image Sizes to place the
image at its intrinsic size into the frame, aligned
to the upper-left corner of the frame. The image
is cropped if too big for the frame.
Select any of the following options to suit your
project, and then click OK:
Center in Frame to align the center of the image
to the center of the frame.
Link Images to create a link, or file path, to the
original image file. If this option is not selected,
all image data is embedded in the InDesign
Remove Blank Lines for Empty Fields to remove
paragraph returns (or soft returns) inserted for
empty fields.
Record Limit per Document to specify the
maximum number of records for each merged
document. When the threshold is reached, a
new document is created with the number of
pages necessary to hold the remaining records
being merged (up to the per-record limit).
Notes on using data merge
Note the following:
If you send a merged document created in
InDesign CS PageMaker Edition to another
InDesign user who is not running the
PageMaker Plug-In, they do not have access to
the data source or target document files.
However, they can edit the final merged
document in InDesign.
You can edit and save the data source file in its
original application while the source file is still
open in the Data Merge palette. After updating
and saving the data source file in delimited
format, choose Update Data Source from the
Data Merge palette, and the changes will be
reflected in the Data Merge palette. If the
changes are not reflected in the document after
updating, deselect Preview to turn it off, and
then select Preview again to turn it back on.
If the data source file points to any unsupported
file formats or images that are not available, you
may need to correct the data source file to point
to a supported file, correct the pathname to any
missing file, or simply move the file to the
correct folder so that InDesign can find it and
place it.
Image field pathnames must be expressed in
system standard syntax for the platform you are
running during the merge.