User Guide Supplement
In InDesign, you can also create columns within a
single text frame. This lets you create columns of
text quickly—without adding and threading a text
frame for each column—and lets you vary the
number and arrangement of columns that appear
in different areas of a page or spread.
For more information about starting a new
document, changing margin and column
settings, or setting text-frame properties, see
InDesign Help.
Creating master pages
Just as in PageMaker, master pages in InDesign can
contain ruler guides, page-number markers, logos,
or any other objects you want to add to multiple
pages in your document. You create, delete, and
apply master pages in InDesign using the Pages
As in PageMaker, new documents in InDesign
include a document master. In PageMaker, you
jump to the document master by clicking the left
or right master page icons
at the bottom of
the document window. In InDesign, the
document master appears in the Pages palette and
is called “A-Master” by default. Note that, unlike
PageMaker, InDesign also includes a choice for no
master, called [None], in the Pages palette.
Pages palette in InDesign
Master page icons
Page icons
Note the following:
In InDesign, you can base one master page on
another, creating an ongoing relationship
between them. Editing the “parent” master page
causes changes to ripple through all the “child”
master pages.
You can override master-page objects or detach
objects from the master page, so that you can
modify them directly just like any other page
item. To override a master-page object, hold
down Ctrl+Shift (Windows) or
Shift (Mac OS), and then click the
object on the document page.
Text on a page will not wrap around master
objects with text wrap applied. Text wrap
applied to master objects affects text on the
master page only.
For more information about using masters, or
overriding and detaching master objects, see
InDesign Help.