6243/44 DC Voltage Current Source/Monitor Operation Manual
4.10 Computing Functions
4.10 Computing Functions
NULL Calculation
The NULL calculation is a calculation for canceling leak current, off set values, etc.
(a) Calculation expression
R = X - Xnull
Current measurement data
Null data
(b) Timing of acquiring NULL data (Xnull)
After the NULL operation is set to ON, the next measured data is acquired as NULL data.
The timing of NULL data acquisition in DC operation is shown below.
Figure 4-20 Timing of NULL Calculation
Rewriting of NULL data is performed when a NULL calculation is switched from OFF to ON,
and when initialization is carried out.
When the NULL data is over range data, all subsequent NULL operation results become over
range data.
When the NULL operation result exceeds the full scale of the current measurement range, they
are indicated at the next higher range.
Changing the measurement function can turn OFF NULL operation.
The measurement auto range cannot be lowered below range in which the NULL data were ac-