DuraLAN Fast Ethernet NICs User’s Guide
Setting Time Intervals
By default, the System Status screen refreshes every second. You
may change the time interval using F8.
Verifying Configuration
You should verify the current port configurations before saving
them to the server.
To verify the configuration, follow these steps:
From the Main Menu, select Link Aggregation Type, then
select View Configuration. Press Enter. The View
Configuration screen appears.
In this example the screen indicates that five standalone ports
without configurations and one group named Marcom are
currently enabled.
Marcom is made up of three ports:
Adptsf1, Adaptsf2, and Adapts3. The IPX protocol is assigned
to Marcom using
as the frame type and
121212121 as the IPX Network Number.
Press Esc to return to the Main Menu.
If the ports or group were disabled, [Disabled] would appear next to the
port/group name.