NVR 2.2 SP3 (V2.2.57) User’s Manual
Offline Registration (Through ACTi website)
If your PC cannot connect to the internet (e.g. in a restricted military base), then you should
register offline. You may obtain an activation key from ACTi website with another PC that has
internet connection, and activate your NVR license on the server PC off-line.
1. Please go to our website:
following image)
2. Enter your license key and MAC address (you need to record the MAC address
your server PC beforehand)
3. Make sure the MAC address shown is correct.
4. Click Apply to generate your Activation Key.
Fig. 6 Offline Registration
5. Copy the complete Activation Key and
transfer it to the NVR server PC. (By
pasting into a text file and copying it via
USB disk, for example).
6. Paste the key in Active Setup -> System
Setup -> License -> Offline Registration
7. Click Apply to finish registration