WinCEGeräte_Handbuch_Administration_v2 00_en
21 / 84
Send an internal scanner
trigger signal
Send an internal RFID
process signal
One-hand shift operation
(see Chapter 2.3.2)
"Insert" key
Windows menu key
"Pause" key
"Page up" key
"Page down" key
Available function identifiers in the keyb.ini file
2.3.2 One-finger shift
Alternatively, you can also temporarily shift to the second keyboard level using a one-finger shift when it is
not possible to press two keys simultaneously.
To do this, activate the delayed shift mechanism in the [DefaultKeyboard] section in the keyb.ini file and
define a key as a "DShift" shift key:
k_c = "<dshift>"
DShiftTime = 500
In the example above, the C key (Change) is defined as the DShift key (it is also possible to assign any other
key with this function). Briefly press the DShift key to activate the shift status for 500 ms. If another key is
pressed in this time, its shift configuration is inserted and the shift status reset.
2.3.3 Alphabetic keyboard
Entering letters using the keyboard is a common feature used for text messaging on mobile phones. ACD
Windows CE devices also support this option. The "T9" word recognition algorithm is not used.
The letter you require is selected by repeatedly pressing the appropriate numeric key using the selection box
displayed on the screen (not M260SE with alphabetic keyboard). The last selected letter is inserted where
the cursor is positioned after a given time has elapsed or by pressing another key.
When the alpha mode is activated, press the 0 key longer to shift faster between the alphanumeric and
standard, numeric key layout. Briefly press the 0 key to switch between upper and lowercase.
On the M260SE with alphabetic keyboard, press the alpha key to permanently switch between the numeric
and alphanumeric mode.
In numeric mode, press shift to switch to the alphanumeric mode for a single character. In alphanumeric
mode, press the shift key to switch between upper and lowercase.
A signal is sent to the system notifying of the request. Another program is responsible for executing the requested
action. Example: trigger laser beam with the ScanDrv program in response to <intscanner> request. See also
programming instructions.
See footnote above