Tug beeps 3
Tug is ON
No action required
Tug will beep when initially turned on
Battery voltage is getting
Charge tug battery
Tug charger indicator light will illuminate red
when charging and green when fully charged.
Tug will beep when the battery voltage is below
28 volts (power button flashing red). It is
recommended to keep the tug and remote
controller charging
when not in use
Tug is momentarily
Turn the tug power button
OFF then ON again to
reset the PC Board.
Steep inclines, turning the tug underneath the
wheel without any forward/backward motion,
and sudden stops can cause the tug to signal a
momentary overload.
Tug beeps
Battery voltage is below
operable voltage
Charge tug battery
Replace battery if it does
not hold a charge
With a voltmeter, check
tug charger output voltage
for 29.4 volts. Replace
charger if it does not
output the correct voltage
Tug power button light will blink red.
Tug charger indicator light will illuminate red
when charging and green when fully charged.
It is recommended to keep the tug and remote
controller charging
when not in use
Tug indicates
a full charge
soon after it is
plugged into
the charger
Charger has failed
Replace tug charger
Tug charger indicator light will illuminate red
when charging and green when fully charged
Tug does not
turn on
Battery is not plugged into
the PC Board
Turn off the remote
controller and tug. Open
the magnetic tug cover
and plug the battery into
the PC board. Ensure the
connection is fully
During shipping the battery connection can
become loose or disengage from the PC board.
Battery voltage is below
operable voltage
Charge tug battery
Replace battery if it does
not hold a charge
With a voltmeter, check
tug charger output voltage
for 29.4 volts. Replace
charger if it does not
output the correct voltage
Tug charger indicator light will illuminate red
when charging and green when fully charged.
It is recommended to keep the tug and remote
controller charging
when not in use
Main board 10-amp fuse is
Replace the 10-amp fuse.
The provided spare parts kit comes with extra
fuses. It includes a 4-amp fuse (lights) and 10-
amp fuse (main board). These are common
fuses that can be found at most auto parts
stores. Disconnect the battery when working on
or around the PC board to prevent a short
Tug does not
respond to
Battery is low on remote
controller or tug
Charge the battery on
remote controller or tug
Tug charger indicator light will illuminate red
when charging and green when fully charged.
Remote controller charging indicator light,
located on the side of the remote, will illuminate