1ZSE 5492-118 en, Rev. 4
10 Commissioning
10.3.2 Disc brake
For BUE:
Run the motor-drive mechanism and check again that the red mark on the brake disc stops
within the tolerance limits, see Fig. 13.
If it is out of tolerance, charge the springs more or less by tightening or loosening the two
adjustment nuts on the brake assembly. Tightening makes the brake disc stop earlier, loos-
ening makes it stop later. The nuts should be adjusted equally.
For BUL:
Run the motor-drive mechanism and check that the centre of the notch in the cam disc
stops within ±2 mm from the centre of the roller on the brake arm, see Fig. 14. If it does not
stop within the tolerances, adjust the breaking force with the adjusting screw in the lower
end of the brake arm. Loosen the contra nut. Tightening the screw (clockwise) makes the
stop earlier and loosening the screw (anticlockwise) makes the stop later. Tighten the contra
nut after the adjustment.
10.3.3 Counter
Check that the counter functions upon RAISE and LOWER operations.
10.3.4 Position transmitter and other multi-position switches
Check the function of the position transmitter and other multi-position switches.
10.3.5 Light
Check that the light is switched on when the door is opened and goes out when the door is
10.3.6 Heater
Switch off all power supplies and feel with a finger on the protection plate that the heater has
been warmed up during earlier tests. Switch on the power afterwards.
10.3.7 Pressure relay
Check the function as per section 6.3.
10.4 Putting into operation
Put the LOCAL/REMOTE switch to REMOTE. Reset the drag hands. Make sure that no
tools or foreign objects are left in the motor-drive cabinet or on the transformer cover. Close
the door to the motor-drive.