1ZSE 5492-118 en, Rev. 4
9 Transport
9. Transport
9.1 General
If the transport dimensions allow, the transformer may be transported without dismantle any
parts of the on-load tap-changer.
If the motor-drive mechanism or any parts of the shaft system has to be dismantled for the
transport, the parts must be marked to ensure they can be set up properly on site and with
a minimum of work.
If any of the accessories on the on-load tap-changer has to be dismantled, the openings on
the on-load tap-changer should be protected with transport covers.
9.2 Transport preparations
Transport of the on-load tap-changer mounted in the transformer should be prepared as
described below.
9.2.1 Transport with complete transformer
In this case the oil conservator is connected to the on-load tap-changer during transporta-
tion. The on-load tap-changer should be filled with oil to normal operating level.
9.2.2 Transport with dismounted conservator
If the conservator is to be dismounted during transport the oil level in the on-load tap-chang-
er has to be lowered.
Connect a pump to the oil valve and suck out oil until the oil flow stops. The oil level will
then be 300-400 mm below the top cover.
2. Disconnect the conservator and the pump.
3. Protect the openings with covers.
Take care to avoid ingestion of moist air when oil is drained. If the ambient air is moist, let
incoming air pass through a dehydrating breather with slow air flow to obtain proper dehy
9.2.3 Protection of motor-drive
The motor-drive mechanism must be protected against condensation. Energize the heater
when power is available. When not, put drying agent inside the motor drive cabinet and seal
the vents.