CEI-100/200 ARINC Test Program
Main Menu
x20 User’s Manual
Main Menu
The Main Menu appears immediately following the Welcome Screen as
shown Figure 23. In addition to a menu, each screen also contains
information and message areas that apply to the current function. In the
Main Menu screen shown below, you can see that the interface is properly
installed because the status line summary shows one controller ready.
Transmit Data
Receive Data
Setup Interface
Exit to DOS
1 CEI-200 ARINC controller(s) ready
Condor Engineering ARINC-429 Controller
Rev 1.0
Main Menu
Figure 23. Main Menu
This menu contains three main functions:
This function sets up and initiates transmissions on the ARINC
429 bus. It can send an ARINC message once or repetitively at a
selected interval.
This function sets up reception of data on the ARINC 429 bus.
Reception of data can be selectively triggered on label, data, or a
combination of the two.
This function sets up certain functions on the interface, including
the ARINC transmit and receive bit rates (100Kbs or 12.5Kbs)
and the parity (even or odd). You can save and restore current
program settings from this menu. You can select the default radix
for most input and output data as well as the self-test function.
This function exits the program and returns to DOS. You can also
use the Esc key.
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