Clearspan® Product Overview R19
Aastra – 2740-007
2014 Clearspan® is a Registered Trademark of Aastra Technologies Ltd.
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Consider the following real-world example
– a large enterprise may have:
A large PBX serving corporate headquarters
Other PBXs or IP PBXs serving regional or country headquarters
Branch offices or new sites using IP phones
Sales or mobile workers with only a mobile phone as their corporate handset
Sales, mobile, or executive workers with both a mobile and a fixed handset (and
administrative assistants who share their lines)
Home or contract workers who work from a home office over a residential line
The following figure shows an example of how a heterogeneous enterprise is served by an enterprise
administrator’s network-hosted FMC solution.
Figure 30. The Connected Enterprise.
Key Functionality
This section highlights some of the key functionality provided by converged enterprise solutions, as
powered by Clearspan. This list is not exhaustive, but is meant to introduce applications that can
be used to help enterprises maximize the use of their system.
Abbreviated dialing between PBX sites, IP phone sites, and 2G, 2.5G, 3G and 4G mobile
users (both intra-country and inter-country).
Abbreviated dialing within the enterprise from mobile stations.