HW V4 / © 2005 – 2013 Aaronia AG, DE-54597 Strickscheid
Manual Spectran V4
Tables and exposure limits
Also, the differences between the exposure limits for a certain target reference group and
the corresponding „maximum limits“ are well visible.
For D-Net (GSM900) cell towers, this means that the electrical field strength needs to
stay below 1,375 *
935 MHz or approx. 42 V/m.
For E-Net (GSM1800) base stations, this means that the electrical field strength needs to
stay below 1,375 *
1800 MHz or approx. 58 V/m.
The respective allowed absolute maximums are another 32 times higher.
The highest exposure to high-frequency radiation is mostly caused by the high
transmitting powers of TV and radio broadcast towers. Contrary to widespread belief,
however, often it’s not the cell towers that cause the strongest exposure to radiation in
homes – it’s often portable phones (so-called DECT phones) or microwaves ovens.