HW V4 / © 2005 – 2013 Aaronia AG, DE-54597 Strickscheid
Manual Spectran V4
First operational steps
OmniLOG 90200
The OmniLOG 90200 antenna is available as an option
and has been specifically developed for radially isotropic
measurements in the GSM (GSM900, GSM1800, GSM
1900), UMTS and 2.4 GHz WLAN frequency ranges. It is
an ideal companion for the Spectran V4 instruments, with
direct support built-in.
Compared to the HyperLOG-antenna the OmniLOG
antenna is suitable for direct radial field strength
measurement without any need for alignment. This gives
you an almost instant field strength reading.
Due to its extremely small physical dimensions, it is –
unlike our HyperLOG antennas – also ideally suited for
unobtrusive or concealed measurements.
Simply attach the OmniLOG antenna to the Spectran’s
SMA socket. Do not apply excessive force when you
screw the antenna into position. As soon as a significant
amount of resistance can be felt, the antenna should be
firmly in place. Make sure the antenna is fitted tightly. You
can also rotate it by 45 or 90 degrees as shown on the
adjacent picture.
Attention: Please bear in mind that unlike the HyperLOG antennas, the OmniLOG is
not directional. Consequently, it cannot be used to pinpoint signal sources.
Furthermore, the HyperLOG antennas have considerably more gain, thus allowing
measurement of significantly weaker signals than with our OmniLOG antenna.
Der Pistolengriff lässt sich sowohl an der HyperLOG Antenne als auch am Spectran
montieren. Das Messgerät lässt sich so auch als Tischgerät aufstellen. Hierzu den
Pistolengriff als Ministativ aufklappen.