HW V4 / © 2005 – 2013 Aaronia AG, DE-54597 Strickscheid
Manual Spectran V4
Functional description
5.3.3. fLow & fHigh
(start & stop frequency)
Start-frequency Stop-frequency
fLow (start frequency) sets the frequency where the sweep
should begin, whereas fHigh (stop frequency) sets its ending
frequency. From these two, the complete frequency range
which gets sweeped is derived.
: Please note that a large frequency range will badly squeeze the display horizontally (in
the X axis) and thus significantly reduces measurement accuracy. Individual signals,
especially when close together, will often not be distinguishable anymore. However, if you
narrow the frequency range, you will be able to analyze the sweep range more precisely.
You will be able to see far more details and higher accuracy. A large frequency span is thus
mostly useful for a broad overview, not for exact measurements.