HW V4 / © 2005 – 2013 Aaronia AG, DE-54597 Strickscheid
Manual Spectran V4
Functional description
5.3.16. MrkCnt
(set number of markers)
The MrkCnt setting detemines the number of displayed
markers. This can be quite handy should you wish to focus
on a particular signal on a single frequency. By setting
MrkCnt to “1”, no constantly “jumping” markers will distract
you from the actual signal.
Possible values are 1, 2 or 3.
5.3.17. MarkLvl
(set starting level for markers)
The MrkLvl setting determines the minimum signal level
which will trigger the creation of markers, exposure limit
calculation and display in W/m². The available range for this
setting is -30dBm to -90dBm.
When using the -30dBm setting, markers are only displayed
when a very strong signal of -30dBm is present, while at the
-90dBm setting, even the smallest signals, albeit many of
them might be interference or noise, will trigger marker
display. The default setting (-70dBm) delivers optimum
results in the majority of cases.