Step 1: Click on "Play Macro Once Only"
at the "Macro Manager Menu"
>>Select "Play Macro Repeatedly">>Select "Press to start, Release to stop".
Step 2: Tick the box of "Perform delay each time a key is released" >>Select "mSec" of time
unit in the "Time unit". >> Input "110" of time value in "Time" box.
Step 3: Click "Left " on "Mouse Simulation Area".
Step 4: Input "3" of coordinate value in "Mouse Relative Coordinate Y Aix " box. >>Click "Plug
Step 5: Repeating Step 4
Step 6: Input "8" of coordinate value in "Mouse Relative Coordinate Y Axis" box. >>Click "Plug
Step7: Repeating 7 times from step 6 to step 7.
Step 8: Now your editing area will look like this as figure 3 shows.
Step 9: Click the "
" icon to save the setting
Let’s check it in "First Person Shooter" game practically:
This instance is similar to the example 2, but it offers faster shooting speed while perform the same effect of suppressing the gun’s recoil. For those
FPS professional gamers, they are capable to perform precise and difficult "manual" actions of suppressing gun’s recoil during the consecutive
shooting by moving the moue back and forth so as to keep the impact at the same point. Now, by using this instance, you can do the same expertise
with one click to the designated mouse button. In the CS practical testing, we found this instance is very useful for the rifle types like "AK47" and
"M4A1", but for those less recoil rifles such as MP5, you may reduce the relative displacement value.
Benefits: This example shows how to integrate the "Mouse Relative Displacement" and "Recycle Macro" to perform the professional actions during
the game play. This example demonstrates how to suppress the gun’s recoil by compensating the "Y relative displacement" value to reduce each
shooting deviation, and hence increase the shooting precision. The Y relative displacement values are in the reducing order as in the practical game
testing, we found the gun's recoil is increased gradually with each bullet is short. And you may decide how many bullets will be shot by performing the
"Recycle Macro" option; the consecutive shooting will be ceased while the designated mouse button is released.
Example 4: In the "First Person Shooter" game, 1 click to turn around 180 degrees