Step 1: Tick the box of the "Perform delay each time a key is pressed" and "Perform
delay each time a key is released" at "Macro Manager Menu">> Select "mSec" of
time unit in the "Time unit".
Step 2: Input "64" of time value in "Time" box. >>Click "Left" on "Mouse Simulation
Step 3: Input "70" of time value in "Time" box. >>Click "Left" on "Mouse Simulation
Step 4: Input "85"of time value in "Time" box. >>Click "Left" on "Mouse Simulation
Step 5: Input "95" of time value in "Time" box. >>Click "Left" on "Mouse Simulation
Step 6: Now your editing area will look like this as figure 2 shows.
Step 7: Click the "
" icon to save the settings
Macro Manager Menu
Fig. 2
Let’s check it in "First Person Shooter" game practically:
In the real FPS shooting games, the gun's recoil is designed in coincide with each bullet while it is shooting. For the consecutive shootings, the gun's
recoil will accumulated till it is out of control, and the impact point will be out of expected range. In this instance, we increase time interval between
each shooting and reduce the gun's recoil, hence, it effectively increase the shooting precision. As result, the gun's recoil is suppressed and the point
of impact is highly concentrated. If you reduce the time interval between each shooting, it may accelerate the shooting speed and you may have
better chance to hit your opponents.
Benefits: This example shows how to suppress gun's recoil and increase shooting precision that users can decide how fast and how many bullets will
be shot according to each rifle or gun on the FPS games, the time interval of "64 ms" is the shortest testing value for the most of FPS games that can
work in good order. As results, it offers better surviving opportunities over your opponents!
Example 3: In "First Person Shooter" game, 1 click to suppress gun’s recoil by changing cursor relative